Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Fantasy Faire Winding Down

 Sunday was the last day of the official events at the Fantasy Faire. Very early in the morning was the last DJ at the Fairechylde, and later in the day were the auctions. But the sims would still be open for two more days. So came an unofficial event that's become a Faire tradition: The Final Ravedown.

They investigamated the poster carefully. Old friends, new friends. still no glowsticks of DOOM, still disclaimer about litterboxes. All of this was to be expected. But what caused an excited chorus of chitters was the ginormous pink creature with stunning neon green accessories. It was Her Toadine Excellence Tammy, boldly wielding the Forbidden Stick of Glow! Ohh, what would the Pawlice say? What would they do if they found the secret R A V E (Ridiculous Assemblage of Vroomy Entities)?
The critters decided that this year the secret must be better kept! Fortunately it’s not like the posters were littered through the Fairelands nor posted allover for the Fairelanders to see. All was well. Nothing would happen. Definitely not at 11 AM SLT to 9 PM SLT. False rumors, surely! The super secret location would absolutely not be leaked and spread through all the chats, everything was going exactly as planned. By… someone. Somewhere, sometime, somefaire.

There were dozens of avatars at the party, which lasted from 11 AM to past 9PM SL time. The idea was that the event was supposed to be secret. So in Fairelands chat, people kept talking along the lines of "business meeting, no party here."

Yours truly didn't stick around at the party "that never happened" for long. There was just too much still to see before time ran out.

Plus time was running out to do the Fairelands Quest, and listen to other questers talk about ways to cook pelicans.

Today is the last day to see the sims. While it's *possible* they'll remain up tomorrow morning, most likely they'll start to become inaccessible to people porting in tonight. 

Bixyl Shuftan


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