Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Raglan Shire Artwalk Taking Place

One of Second Life's largest annual art shows, the Raglan Shire Artwalk, is going on. It started on Sunday May 19 and will be going on for about a month to Sunday June 16.

The Artwalk features a variety of pictures, much of it people can buy a copy of. There are both screenshots, and real-life artwork brought inworld. Besides the pictures, there are also sculptures and other 3D art. There are also occasional teleport boards to other sections of the displays. 
While this may be a community event, and many local artists have their work featured here, it has and still is been open to all wanting to show their work here, both the local tines and "biggies" (local slang for human and furry avatars).

Once again, the Artwalk goes on to Sunday June 16.
Bixyl Shuftan

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