Friday, May 31, 2024

SL Newser Is In "The Birthday"

 The sims for the Second Life Birthday are now open to exhibitors. This includes the Newser. And so we're throwing our hat into the ring, so to speak. Or rather, marking the plot with my hat. 

Unfortunately, that will be about the only picture from inside the SLB grounds we'll be able to show. The Lab has stated they want a news blackout of anything going on inside these sims. But we can still show maps. And since our last map picture, the sims have started to be grouped more together. 

This year's Second Life Birthday lasts from Friday June 21 to July 21, a full month. The theme this year is "Elements."

The Sci-Fi Con: "Altered States"

While the Relay for Life is getting ready for the Relay Weekend, there is another fundraiser event going on. This would be the Sci-Fi con. Raising money for Team Fox, this event is taking place over nine sims covering various themes of science fiction to June 4. Gemma Cleanslate went there to check it out.
Read Gemma's article in Events.  

Correction: The con goes on to June 4, sorry about the error.

RFL Track Sneak Peek: Floaty Frog

 Taken at the RFL Weekend track. While walking down the brick road, I saw this huge frog balloon floating in the air over it's campsite. Apparently it wasn't just looking for flies, it was flying after them.
Addition: Kamida would say on Discord, "That frog is HUGE, you can see it from two sims away!" Someone else would make a Terry Pratchet reference.

Bixyl Shuftan

Could YOU Be a Newser Reporter?

The Newser takes pride in bringing you the news big and small from across Second Life. And we do so on a daily basis. But, it takes a team. We're not a one-man blog that posts every so often when the person has a little time. We started off as a team, and we continue as one. 

But, we have real lives outside our Second ones. We have jobs and friends there. And when we do come here, some of us have commitments besides the Newser, such as marriages, a community club, etc. And of course our real lives can change, meaning someone has to slow down or stop writing for a while.

So we could always use a little more help.

Are you someone with a love of writing and a love of Second Life? If so, maybe the Newser is the place for you. Writing experience is preferred, and those interested we would like to see examples of what you've written in the past. 

It should be noted that we are not a sensationalist media outlet, nor slam anyone just for the sake of ratings. What we desire is "news you can use" that informs people about what Second Life has to offer and the good it can do. And of course entertain our audience a little along the way. Our motto is "reporting on the people, places, and events of Second Life," and do our best to live up to it.

Send a notecard and IM to Bixyl Shuftan, or email at bixylshuftan@

Thank you for your interest

Bixyl Shuftan

Editor, SL Newser

This Saturday at The Science Circle

 Saturday June 1

    At 10 AM PST   

    Field Trip: Genome Island
    By Dr. Mary Anne Clark/Max Chatnoir
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Advertisement: Club Scorn Looking For DJs

How would you like to play music for a rockin' club?  The Scorn Rock Club is currently looking for DJs to expand our events throughout the week. If interested in joining our staff contact one of our managers Charlee Shuftan (Charlee Snowfox) or Aldaris (Bawnty Resident) for more information.

RFL Track Sneak Peek: Space Bar

Taken at the Relay track. With the theme being Decades of Hope, someone had a retro-future space bar reminiscent of 1950s space movies. Gives the term "moon pie" new meaning.

The Relay Weekend is from Saturday June 8 to Sunday June 9.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Memories of Dreams, Morrigans Roadhouse, And Kim's Legacy

Gemma Cleanslate has been busy exploring more places around Second Life. One was Memories of Dreams, a picturesque area with Japanese style buildings and cherry trees. Morrigans Roadhouse isn't a bar, but a scenic area. Then there was Kim’s Legacy. So what did Gemma say about them?
Read Gemma's story in Places

RFL Track Sneak Peek: Under Construction

Taken at RFL Manage. While Team Timesville is getting its build ready, they set up some construction equipment at their campsite. It made for some interesting scenery among the empty plots and half-finished builds.

Bixyl Shuftan


Angels Beach Land Rentals

At the Angels Beach Land Rental Agency, you can find a great new home in Second Life. With many sims to choose from, in the Sunweaver Estates, Hidden Valley, and Purrfection, you can choose from a variety of environments.

We offer places with friendly and interesting neighbors. Some places have a tropical island look, others more temperate. Some of the sims have access to enough water to boat around in. And there are plans later on for an open water sim for even more water activities. The sims are home to a number of quality clubs, such as Cutlass, Zero Gravity, Xanadu, the BBBC, and the Happy Vixen Beach Club. In one sim alone there are two quality clubs that work together so there is no lag from them. There are also some small shopping areas available.

The sims range from Mature to Adult, but the purpose of the adult rating is for a relaxed atmosphere in which couples can relax. The places do not allow for harassment, and while there are vendors that cater to mature tastes they are discreet about it. Spaces available range from small plots to a full homestead that will rent out for only $30,000L's per month. Most of the sims break the parcels down into 512 Sqm parcels and and most have a sliding rent scale, so the more you rent the cheaper it gets. Our prices are VERY competitive here in Second Life.

And if you bring a friend to an Angels Beach area, you get more than just a good neighbor. Anyone that refers a renter to us and they rent land, they will receive 10% of the first months rent. And if someone you know needs help renting out land on his/her sim, bring them to us. Renters who bring in a sim owner needing administration, we will give 10% of our first check.

To learn more, please contact Nydia Tungsten, Brandi Streusel, Jasmine Dawn (Jasmine Knickers), or Matoazma Kazyanenko.

"We pride ourselves on on not just renting land but renting our customers the land you want. We listen to what you tell us on what you are looking for."

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: TBA, TBA, No Event Due to Relay Weekend

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Snowy, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Best in Purple

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: No event due to Relay Weekend

Xanadu: DJ Jesse  

Moon Dance: DJ Cynthia 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Relay Map Update

 It's been a few days since the Relay Weekend track sims went up. And already, the map is showing many of the campsites are already going up. Things are still in the early stages, so we're not going to show pictures of whole campsites, at least not yet. 

Among the various teams taking part are the Sunbeamers, the team of the community the Newser has it's office in.

Among the newer teams is Scorn, which was formed this year and got a campsite as well. 

More sneak peeks as the days go on.

The Relay Weekend is from Saturday June 8 to Sunday June 9.

Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, May 27, 2024

Vietnam Memorial Pictures

It's Memorial Day in the United States, and while many are taking the time to barbecue hamburgers and hot dogs, the purpose of the holiday is to honor soldiers and sailors who died in service to the country. Second Life has a number of war memorials. Among them a virtual replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. This is a war that stands out in American history, over fifty-eight thousand dead, and in the end the forces that America had been fighting won the conflict. The Newser was at the memorial, taking a few pictures. 

See the pictures in Places.

Memorial Day

We at the Newser wish you an honored Memorial Day.
Taken at Veterans Isle's Vietnam Memorial

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Cartoon Of The Day: Kitty Babysitter

 Taken at the Fantasy Faire. The snow leopard is Theo, the companion in this year's Fairelands Quest. One fun thing about the quest is avatars regular size, somewhat above average, and small can do them. But while they had tinies in mind as possible heroes, I don't think they thought about not just a tiny but a tiny that was another gray kitty.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Vietnam Wall Has Moved to Veterans Isle

Readers likely know of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which we wrote about in January 2022 in the Heavens Sun set sim. As it turns out, the memorial has moved to Veterans Isle.

SL Video: "Dinkies Marching Band 2024 - Wee Wonders Grand Opening"


 From Misfit Dance_SL on May 21. This was the Wee Wonders parade that Kamida Delec wrote about a few days ago. Kamida herself appears onscreen too. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

SL Video: "Misfit Dance & Performance Art - 'Wild About Harry'"


From Misfit Dance_SL on Sept 2019, "Misfit Dance & Performance Art in Second Life presents "Wild About Harry" Dance number created in 2018 / Filmed in 2019 Theater Dance Art Producer / Choreographer JenzZa Misfit"

Friday, May 24, 2024

Access To Adult Regions Removed In Mobile Viewer

 The Newser has yet to go through all of the video of the Community Roundtable meeting (we are very busy). But we have heard one detail that will affect those of us who either already use or plan to use the Mobile Viewer. Access to Adult sims has been blocked on it. The reason for this is because of the Apple Store and Google Play requirements concerning content. The Lab does say they hope this can be changed in the future. 

More on the issue later.

Relay Weekend Sims Up

 After months of anticipation by the fans of the Relay for Life in Second Life, the sims for the Relay for Life in Second Life are up on the map. Thirty-four sims, including the three permanent American Cancer Society sims. 

As of now, all of the track sims except for the ACS ones are closed to the general public, as well as most on the Relay teams outside sim managers and team builders. But this should change before the Relay Weekend. In the past, there have been Days of Relay events in which some or all of the sims were open to those in the Relay teams. 
Currently most of the sims are empty. But already the builders of some teams are setting up their campsites. The Newser will do occasional "sneak peek" pictures, but no campsite will be pictured in full until the sim is open to at least any RFL in SL member.

The Relay Weekend is from Saturday June 8 to Sunday June 9.
Bixyl Shuftan

Game Review: The Fiery Scion

Contributing writer Nydia Tungsten is back with another game review. In her latest article, she describes one game/visual novel, "The Firey Sicon." While the game clearly has an Adult rating, she felt it had a good plot. So what can a reader/player expect?
Read Nydia's review in Other Grids, MMOs, and Games

More News Later

There were some technical difficulties with my computer. While they were resolved, there wasn't enough time to write much. I'll try to have some more news up later. 

Bixyl Shuftan

This Saturday at The Science Circle

 Saturday May 25

    At 10 AM PST   

    Empowering Our Low Watt Brains
    By Steven R. Van Hook
    The Science Circle (72,129,30)
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, May 23, 2024

EOTB: Community Exhibition Update

 Earlier this week, Linden Lab announced there had been an expansion in the number of communities listed at the Community Exhibition at the WelcomeHub sim. Ten more have been added, doubling the number featured.

On May 1st we expanded the SLCE with the addition of 10 new exhibits, bringing more diversity and creativity to the showcase. This second phase not only enriches our current offerings but also introduces five larger parcels, designed to provide more space and opportunities for immersive experiences.

The new communities, and groups, are Baunatal German Community, Islands of New England, The Nature Collective, FOCUS Art Magazine and Gallerie, The Teegle Equestrian Communit, Leeward Cruising Club, Premier Wrestling, The Lighthouse: Support & Meeting, Virtual Worlds Education Consortium, and American Cancer Societ. 
The Community Exhibition was added in January 30 as a way for different communities in Second Life to describe themselves to newcomers at the WelcomeHub sim, and possibly get them to join.
For the blog post in full, Click Here

SL Video: "Second Life Community Roundtable Meeting"

 For those who missed the Community Roundtable Meeting on Monday, here's a recording made by Pantera Polnocy. The Newser will have a review of it soon.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Reader Submitted Picture "Leavin' On A (Paper) Jet Plane"

 From Kamida Delec around Raglan Shire

Cause I'm leavin' on a (paper) jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh baby, I hate to go

Raglan Shire Artwalk Taking Place

One of Second Life's largest annual art shows, the Raglan Shire Artwalk, is going on. It started on Sunday May 19 and will be going on for about a month to Sunday June 16.

The Artwalk features a variety of pictures, much of it people can buy a copy of. There are both screenshots, and real-life artwork brought inworld. Besides the pictures, there are also sculptures and other 3D art. There are also occasional teleport boards to other sections of the displays. 
While this may be a community event, and many local artists have their work featured here, it has and still is been open to all wanting to show their work here, both the local tines and "biggies" (local slang for human and furry avatars).

Once again, the Artwalk goes on to Sunday June 16.
Bixyl Shuftan

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: British Night, RFL Purple Dance, Big Hair

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Snowy, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: TBA

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Barnyard Animals

Xanadu: DJ Jesse  

Moon Dance: DJ Cynthia 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Work On Relay Track Begins

It's only a few weeks until the Relay Weekend. But already work is being done on the track. At American Cancer Society2, I saw a corner of it had been completed. The temporary track sims aren't on the map yet, but soon will be.

The Relay Weekend takes place from Saturday June 8 to Sunday June 9.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Reader Submitted: Wee Wonders

Kamedia Delic sent in a few pictures of a tiny event she came across, "Grand re-opening of wee wonders sim? They decided to do a marching band."

"A very chaotic marching band. Well, it's mostly just sillyness sofar."

"46 people on the sim... that's pretty busy."

Weekend in Brief

 Quite a bit happened this weekend. The big event was the Bay City Sixteenth Anniversary Celebration, which was it's yearly parade and after-parade dance party. Also going on were some Relay events, such as the Buccaneer's Ball. And the Raglan Shire Artwalk event, one of Second Life's largest annual art shows began this weekend.

More on these, and other, events later.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Squirrely Birdfeeder

 Squirrels have gotten something of a reputation for going after bird feeders at any opportunity. But what would an anthro squirrel who has no need to raid feeders do? Perhaps put one up and watch it, much like a human would watch a fishtank. 

By Bixyl Shuftan

EOTB: "Community Roundtable" Tomorrow, Monday May 20

Tomorrow at 9:30 AM SL time is the "Community Roundtable" with Linden Lab.  This is a chance for residents to discuss concerns and other matters with two of the Lindens, preferably those sent over in advance. 

We take all feedback (good and bad) from the community seriously. That’s why we’re excited to begin a new initiative that allows Residents to share their thoughts and interact directly with top executives at Second Life. 

We hope you’ll join us for the first of many Community Roundtables with Second Life Leadership – it will be held on Monday, May 20 from 9:30-11 a.m. SLT. For this inaugural session, you’ll have a chance to meet and interact directly with Linden Lab Executive Chairman Oberwolf Linden and Senior VP of Product & Engineering Grumpity Linden.

The Lab would state "We encourage community members to submit questions in advance ... and we’ll do our best to address as many as we can," asking them to use this google doc (link). 
While no doubt there are a variety of concerns, it's expected many of the questions will be about the changes in the policies about child avatars announced earlier this month.

The suggested SURLs were
For the blog post in full, (click here). 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Pictures From "Bid The Lindens Bald"

On Wednesday, the Relay for Life's "Relay Rockers" team had their "Bid the Lindens Bald" event. This event is unique as a number of Linden Lab's finest volunteered to put their virtual looks on the line. Gemma Cleanslate was there, and took some pictures. Editor Bixyl Shuftan added some commentary.
 See the pictures in Events.

Reader Submitted Picture: Dancing to Dixie

 From Kamida Delec, "Dancing to Dixie. Well, more like bouncing. There's not much room to dance."

This Saturday at The Science Circle

 Saturday May 18

    At 10 AM PST   

    Hosted by Chantal Jager
    The Science Circle (72,129,30)
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, May 16, 2024

SLB Sims On The Map

The Second Life Birthday is about a month away. The sims are on the map, but scattered around. And around them are ghosts of sims, images on the map without names. 

In the past few years, the sims have also appeared on the map scattered, but came back together in time for the big event. 

This year, the Second Life Birthday lasts from Friday June 21 to July 21, a full month. The theme this year is "Elements." While the time period for those wanting to be exhibitors and volunteer staff has expired, there is still time for those wanting to be performers.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Gemma's Explorations

Gemma Cleanslate has been to a few areas here in Second Life, ones "compact and familiar." She went to the WelcomeHub, and among the builds representing places found one about Burn2. Burn2 was also represented at the Firestorm Art Gallery, where one of the Rangers has become Artist of The Month. She also stopped by another gallery at the Confederation of Democratic Simulators.
Read Gemma's story in Places

Reader Submitted Picture: Wolf In A Nightgown

 Brian (BrianL61 Landar) took this picture of Shockwave Yareach of the Relay's Team Sunbeamers at the Relaystock stage on Saturday May 11. The Sunnies were on stage, and Shockwave made a challenge, saying if the kiosk, which had been reset at the start of the set, was bumped up to 25,000 Lindens, he'd wear a nightgown, "Not that I'm worried.  You guys don't wanna see a Wolf in a white cotton nighty."

Well, someone did. It was, and he did. 

Total Number of Sims Over 28,000, First Time In Over A Decade

Some good news for those who take pride in how large Second Life is in how much virtual land it has.  The Second Life Grid Survey ( , run by Tyche Shepherd, in it's latest numbers announced that the total number of sims had climbed to over the 28,000 mark.
Breaking the number down, 18,220 were private sims, and 9801 were "Linden owned." This includes the growing number of Bellisseria Linden Home sims. 

The last time the total number of sims was this large was in 2012. There was a peak close to 32,000 in 2010, then it went on a long and slow decline until about 2018 to about 23,000 before it began to slowly rise again. This is partially due to more people getting private sims, but also the popularity of Linden Homes, of which one needs a Premium account to get. 

Will the total number get to 29,000, then 30,000 again? Time will tell.

Hat Tip: Daniel Voyager

Bixyl Shuftan

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: Big Hair, Avian/Wings, Medieval Renaissance

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Snowy, DJ Mattie, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Foxes and Felines

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Rainbows

Xanadu: DJ Jesse  

Moon Dance: DJ Cynthia 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Press Release: Bay CIty To Celebrate


First Mole Project Reaches Another Milestone year

BAY CITY, SL (30 April, 2024) - In May of 2008, the mainland community of Bay City was opened to Second Life® residents across the Grid. Now, Bay City, the first major project undertaken by the “Moles” of the Linden Department of Public Works, will turn sixteen. To honor their anniversary, Bay City Residents will be hosting their annual parade and live music event this May, and welcome everyone to enjoy their fine city.

Bay City is the largest community-focused virtual urban area in Second Life, hosting 24 Residential regions, and an additional 24 or so Linden-owned areas surrounding the city. It has a sizable number of community-focused Residents in the Bay City Alliance, working to make the city the best place it can be. With this in mind, the city hopes that everyone will feel welcome to join in -- as a participant or a spectator, in our annual parade and live music celebration.

Parade participants are asked to gather at noon SLT/PDT on Sunday, the 19th of May, to lineup at the band shell in Bay City - Harwich. The parade will wend its way down Route 66 beginning at 12:30 p.m. SLT/PDT, and will conclude at the Bay City Fairgrounds in the North Channel region. We encourage people to bring their own wearable float, to march, and to show off their part of Second Life with the rest of the revelers.

A music event will kick off at 12:30 p.m. SLT/PDT at the Fairgrounds with DJ GoSpeed of KONA Stream providing music leading into the event until 1:30 p.m.SLT/PDT , followed by AleyKat (Aleylia Resident) from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. SLT/PDT, Mavenn from 2:30-3:30 p.m. SLT/PDT, and Sarita Twisted from 3:30-4:30 p.m. SLT/PDT.

Celebration goods, including parade float bases and ideas, are available at the Bay City Community Center, in the Daley Bay region for those who wish to be a part of the event. Ample viewing areas are provided for all. The music event is also open to all who desire to attend -- not only Residents of Bay City, but the entire grid is welcome.

Bay City is a mainland community, developed by Linden Lab® and home to the Bay City Alliance. The Bay City Alliance was founded in 2008 to promote the Bay City regions of Second Life® and provide a venue for Bay City Residents and other interested parties to socialize and network. It is now the largest Bay city group, and home to most Residents of Bay City.

For more information, contact: Marianne McCann

Monday, May 13, 2024

The 2024 Sunbeamer Air Show

This past weekend, the Relayers were partying it up at Relaystock. But the weekend before, attention was on Team Sunbeamers and Team Roos With A Dream with the Tenth Annual RFL Sunbeamer Air Show, taking place on Farshore Field at Sunlight Bay. Besides the exhibits and attractions such as balloon riding, there were two air squadrons performing for the crowd, as well as DJ Kalya and the Roos.
See the pictures in Events.

RFL Sunbeamers "Bid Me Pink" And "Bid Me Tricolor Fox" Results

 On Saturday May 18, Rita Mariner, the captain of the Relay for Life's team Sunbeamers announced the results of two "Bid Me" fundraisers. They were "Bid Me Pink" for Brian (BrianL61 Landar) and "Bid Me Pink, Blue, and White/Tricolor Fox", for Snowbuns (Skylark Lefavre).
Results of Snowy's Bid Me: 
Changing Snowy to Tri-Color Fox

Keep Snowy, as is : 50L

Change to 3 coolor Fox:  12,400L

Snowy goes 3 color for 4 weeks, May 10 to June 7th

Results of Brian's Bid Me
Bid Me Brian PNK and with tutu.
Keep Brian as is:  50L

Turn Brian PINK, with top hat and tutu: 16,550L

Brian goes Pink, etc, for 1 month, until June 7th 

Both showed their new looks, for the time being, at the Relaystock on Saturday. Brian made a few jokes about his appearance, "Look at what they did to me." 

Currently, the Sunbeamers are Emerald ranked in fundraising among the teams, with a total of 1,084,000 Linden dollars collected this year so far. And there will be one more event planned later this month, then the Relay Weekend.

Go Sunbeamers! Go Relay!

Bixyl Shuftan

It Came From Bellisseria Chat: "Syn Mahal" Mediterranean Home

In Bellisseria chat the other day, one of the locals was talking about how he made his Mediterranean home into something resembling a well-known structure in India.

[14:16] SYN MASARYK™ (synmasaryk Resident): anyone care to see my Syn Mahal
[14:16] Brent (Brent Sable): heheheh
[14:16] SYN MASARYK™ (synmasaryk Resident): I built my belli parcel into a mini Taj Mahal lol
[14:17] ᴊᴏʀᴅᴇɴ (Jorden Dikes): nice! can I see a shot?
[14:18] Brent (Brent Sable) pours Jorden a shot
[14:20] ᴊᴏʀᴅᴇɴ (Jorden Dikes): lmao oh no thanks, I don't drink anymore. I meant a screen shot
[14:20] Brent (Brent Sable): :)

[14:21] SYN MASARYK™ (synmasaryk Resident):
[14:22] Brent (Brent Sable): hey that IS nice!
[14:22] SYN MASARYK™ (synmasaryk Resident):
[14:22] SYN MASARYK™ (synmasaryk Resident): Thank You!
[14:22] SYN MASARYK™ (synmasaryk Resident): it is Indian themed inside also
[14:22] ᴊᴏʀᴅᴇɴ (Jorden Dikes): oh nicee

[14:23] SYN MASARYK™ (synmasaryk Resident):
[14:25] Genevieve Easterling: wow that is cool Syn
[14:25] SYN MASARYK™ (synmasaryk Resident): thank you Genevieve , thanks everyone
[14:25] Zenna Frostypaws: nice home, Syn
[14:25] SYN MASARYK™ (synmasaryk Resident): I am giving tours right now if anyone wants a tp
[14:25] SYN MASARYK™ (synmasaryk Resident): it looks better in pixel
[14:28] Ritina Roussel: Love it Syn!
[14:29] Stella (Stella Carver): That's so creative- just gorgeous
[14:30] SYN MASARYK™ (synmasaryk Resident): thank you
[14:33] ᴊᴏʀᴅᴇɴ (Jorden Dikes): oh! I just saw the last screen shot, I'm loving the interior

I then commented, asking Syn if he minded if I posted this in the paper. He chuckled, "Why would ya be posting hehe?" I chuckled back, "Bellisseria isn't just the antics of raccoons and hamsters." He ended up sending me a tp, and we chatted for a little.

The location of The Syn Mahal, Raspberry Ridge (220, 201, 30)