Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Total Number of Sims Over 28,000, First Time In Over A Decade

Some good news for those who take pride in how large Second Life is in how much virtual land it has.  The Second Life Grid Survey ( , run by Tyche Shepherd, in it's latest numbers announced that the total number of sims had climbed to over the 28,000 mark.
Breaking the number down, 18,220 were private sims, and 9801 were "Linden owned." This includes the growing number of Bellisseria Linden Home sims. 

The last time the total number of sims was this large was in 2012. There was a peak close to 32,000 in 2010, then it went on a long and slow decline until about 2018 to about 23,000 before it began to slowly rise again. This is partially due to more people getting private sims, but also the popularity of Linden Homes, of which one needs a Premium account to get. 

Will the total number get to 29,000, then 30,000 again? Time will tell.

Hat Tip: Daniel Voyager

Bixyl Shuftan

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