Saturday, February 15, 2025

Announcement: Sugar Skols RFL Battle of the DJs

We the Sugar Skols RFL Team want to welcome you to the epic battle on Sunday, February 16TH at 4pm SLT. This year The Sugar Skols have an entire RFL sim with an open track available to ride all season, a growing powerhouse team, and many, many events. And it all starts with YOU!!! Welcome to our kick off!!

Landing and Site of the Battle:

There will be 6 DJs participating in this battle.
THE LINEUP (and Order)

Wyldchild Raven
Joel Pendragon
Sal (Salamanda Halostar) - OUR DEFENDING CHAMPION!
Mikael Foxtrot
Snowy Shiriki-Lefavre (skylark.lefavre)
Andrei - AndreiJavik

The Winner of the Battle will be decided at the conclusion of the event. How do we determine the winner? Well, this is a charity event. It is decided by the DJs kiosk’s donations. There will be trophies awarded (and they are very cool in our opinion) and the DJs will also become part of the Skols Hall Of Fame!!

One final note you should be aware of.... we are so proud to announce 100% of donations raised at the battle will be matched at the end of the night. This means EVERY linden you donate will be DOUBLED making your impact on fighting for this cause that much greater!

We are so excited to jump into our third season with with this event and cannot express how happy we are to have you.

Thank you,
Rafe Odinson
The Sugar Skols

If you have any event questions please direct them to me, Rafe: Rafe.Grumpypants
Please direct any DJ specific questions to Wyld: Wyldchild.Raven

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