Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas Expo Events End, Over Six Million Lindens Raised

Yesterday, Sunday December 15, was the last day of events at the Relay for Life's Christmas Expo. Among the last events was the Holidays of Hope Gala, which took place in an area high over one of the Relay sims. The party took place from 1 to 6 PM SL time, with the music provided by Madelyn Majestic for the first two hours, and Trader Whiplash for the last two. The hour in the middle was for "special guests Satin and Erin."

The fundraising goal of the organizers was five million Linden dollars. The event ended up exceeding their expectations. After the last events,a total of  6,013,534 Lindens have been raised. This amount will likely go up a little as people continue to buy items from shops and stalls.

This was the tenth Christmas Expo event in Second Life. It is unknown how much longer the sims will remain open, save the permanent American Cancer Society. They may come down today, or remain open until tomorrow or Wednesday. The 2020 Relay season itself will take place in about a few months.

Bixyl Shuftan

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