Friday, June 28, 2024

Breaking News: Linden Lab Offering Limited Number of Lifetime Premium-Plus Accounts

 It was just announced at the Friday Town Hall at the Second Life Birthday by Patch Linden that Linden Lab will be offering Lifetime Premium Plus Accounts, called SecondLifetime Premium Plus Accounts (youtube link). BUT, it will be a small number. As this the 21st anniversary of Second Life, there will be 21 Lifetime Premium Plus Accounts available, "it's in honor of Second Life's 21st Birthday, and we enjoy trying to be thematic when we can."

These lifetime accounts are not cheap. They will cost 1,899.00 US dollars, or 1,150.00 if one is upgrading their SecondLifetime Premium account.
SecondLifetime Premium accounts were offered last year at the SL20B.  Back then, they were $749 USD. The price has since gone up to $859.00

More details about SecondLifetime accounts can be found (here). 

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