Sunday, June 9, 2024

Relay Weekend: Day One

 Saturday June 8 was Day One of the 2024 Relay Weekend. For me, it started to a quick trip to the team Sunbeamer campsite (one avatar the viewer refused to rezz).

I then headed to the opening ceremonies. This picture is from the video, as my own of the crowd had too many naked and half-rezzed avatars. 

Then at 11 AM came the survivors and caregivers lap. Since I cared for my Mother following her surgery, I was in the lap. 

At 12:30 was the teams lap.

On the track were avatars from large ...

 To small ...

To four-footed ...

And many more. Some of which lagged at sim crossings. 

 There were some great campsites.

 And some had some interesting features, such as the Second Life Cheerleeding Squad's "Helix of Hope" which gets taller every time someone new clicks on it.

There was plenty to see, and may people to meet. And it continues today.

Officially, the closing ceremonies are at 10 AM, but there will be a victory lap and presumably small unofficial parties on the track. So come on and join the fun.

Go Relay! 

Bixyl Shuftan

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