Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Former Newser Reporter Grease Coakes Annouces He's Leaving Second Life

 For most residents who leave Second Life, their departure is a quiet affair, most not noticing until they've been gone for a while. But for Grease Coakes, he made his public, announcing it in DJ Tantari's Discord.
It's very unlikely I will come back to Second Life anymore. Crashing constantly is not fun. I could not stay online for my DJ set at 21SLB so I am tired of fighting a game that no longer lets me log on anymore.

So I uninstalled it and I am not coming back.

Talking to Grease, he was saying he had been having trouble for a while, "Trust me I have been struggling to stay on SL since May. And I am done fighting with it."  When asked if he would give another virtual world a try, he had no comment. 

Grease Coakes joined the Newser in 2012, writing articles to 2017. When not on SL, he would play Guild Wars 2. Besides writing for the Newser, he would publish some furry fiction, DJ at sets, such as a few SL Newser anniversary parties, and lead a tarrot card class.

Bixyl Shuftan

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