Friday, June 28, 2024

Scenes From The SLB

 Yours truly has been busy lately, both in real life and writing the news. Still, I've had a little time to see some of the Second Life Birthday. At 4AM on Tuesday, I caught a few minutes of DJ Minty's set.

The decorations between the exhibits in themselves look pretty good. This still picture can't show the movement of the fluttering butterflies, though it does show the detail of the flowers and plants. 

Some exhibits fit in well with the theme "Elements."

Some exhibits looked like they made some use of the PBR technology recently brought into Second Life. While I couldn't get it to show my reflection, it did show others.

And some were just plain cool, such as this Elements of Spaceflight exhibit at SLB Stupendous (70/120/21)

Stay tuned for more.

Bixyl Shuftan

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