Yesterday on April 22 after some days of anticipation, important details of the upcoming Second Life Twelfth Birthday celebration, called the SL12B for short, were revealed. For those who don't know, the SLB is Second Life's yearly anniversary celebration. For most of it's history, Linden Lab sponsored the event. Starting with SL9B, the event has been entirely done through volunteers and sponsors paying for the sims.
The theme for this year: "What Dreams May Come."

Unlike our physical world, everything we see in Second Life© was born out of the stuff of dreams. For some, these dreams are what they aspire to, while others seek to recreate that which is unattainable in their lives.
Some may craft elaborate worlds of gleaming gold, while others may descend into the netherworld, portraying realms of flame and darkness. Still others may have dreams of a simpler variety: a nice house, a picket fence, and a perfectly green lawn. All dreams, big and small, are valid and welcome.
We want to see your dreams. what do you imagine for the future, what are your aspirations, or what is your own personal flight of fancy?
Applications for the event are also currently being taken as well, exhibitors, discussion presenters at the auditorium, performers, and volunteers. Applications are scheduled to be taken in until May 13.
The schedule for the event is as follows:
Wednesday, May 13: All applications closed
Saturday, May 25 to Monday, May 27: Exhibitors notified via email
Monday, June 1 to Wednesday June 17 at noon SLT: Sims open to exhibitors for building
Wednesday, June 10: Performers notified via email
Wednesday June 17 at noon SLT to Thursday, June 18: Sims closed for walkthrough
Friday, June 19 to Saturday, June 20: Extra time for adjustments
Saturday, June 20: Press day
Sunday, June 21 at noon SLT: Sims open!
Tuesday, June 23: The Birthday!
Sunday, June 21 to Sunday, June 28: Sims open with performances
Monday, June 29 to Saturday, July 4: Sims open for viewing
Monday, July 6 to Wednesday, July 8: Break down
Thursday, July 9: Sims go offline
Check out the Facebook SL12B page, the SL12B Flickr page, and the SL12B Information page.
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