For fans of the cruise ship experience, or ships in general, one place to stop was the SS Galaxy. This ship is so massive, it takes three sims to hold it: Galaxy Aft, Mid, and Forward. Made to recreate the cruise ship experience, it has wowed visitors for over eight years. Singers have performed on it. Art exhibitions have been held on it. Music videos have been filmed on it. Almost five years ago, it was among the first subjects of the Second Life Newser story.

Dear Supporters and Friends of the SS Galaxy,
The Management and Crew of the SS Galaxy would like to thank each and every one of you for helping make the Galaxy community one of the most thriving, vibrant and welcoming on the Second Life grid.Together with your help, we have been building wonderful memories since February 2007.

For us as the Crew, the privilege has been ours to meet and interact with each of you over these eight years. The memories we have from these experiences, will continue to inspire us and our values, long beyond 2015.

In the many diverse strands of lifestories, God has granted us the blessing of having our respective stories intertwine, at least for a time.
As we prepare to go on beyond April 2015, the Crew wish you that the strength in bonds will continue to sustain each and every one of you, along life’s way.
From all of us here at the SS Galaxy,
A heartfelt thank you.
DBDigital Epsilon
Managing Director
And so, Second Life is about to bid farewell to it's largest and one of it's most popular, if not *the* most popular ship as it will soon set sail for it's final cruise.
Bixyl Shuftan.
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