Wednesday, July 3, 2024

EOTB: Lnden Home Poll

In the official forums, Patch Linden announced there was a poll open, one asking people which of a list of Linden Home theme ideas were the best, telling them they could select three. 
As mentioned in the "Your Theme Ideas Please" post, this is the first of two polls we will conduct.  We reviewed the thread and identified numerous potential themes!  We condensed some of the themes down to what we know can work as Linden Homes, and also merged a few together where we thought it would make sense, especially with some duplicate mentions.  Please vote for your top 3 picks in this poll!   We will then have a second poll from the top choices here to choose a winner. 

The poll (page here) has a total of 33 themes. They vary from science-fiction to fantasy to Medieval to modern. Some were similar to existing themes, such as Mid-Century Modern. And there were some very unique themes such as the Mermaid Homes, which would be the first underwater theme if approved. 
It was not mentioned which homes would be Premium, and which would be Premium plus, though Patch did say, "selection of the premium account type to which the theme will be applied will depend on the winning theme's outcome." But "Millionaire Homes" and "Castles" would be easier to pull off with Premium Plus. 

I happened to be listening in on Bellisseria chat when the poll was first brought up. The only complaint there was that people could only chose three. It was commented on that mermaid homes and 18th Century Caribbean would be an interesting combination. In the forums, it was asked why Norwegian homes were an option as there was already a Second Norway region. Patch answered that this was an option a number of people asked for.

Patch didn't give a date as to how long this poll would be open, though did mention "possibly concluding it by Friday." 

Once again, the poll is located (here). 

Bixyl Shuftan

Press Release: HFOT July 7 2024 Benefit


 Frets Nirvana, longtime supporter and contact for Homes For Our Troops in Second Life in conjunction with the US Military Veterans Group, announces the July 7, 2024 benefit for the Veterans Support Organization Home For Our Troops at Veteran’s Isle . Scheduled on the weekend that we celebrate the birth of the United States as a country.

Frets Nirvana states:  “HFOT is a privately funded 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization building specially adapted, mortgage-free homes nationwide for the most severely injured Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of these Veterans are multiple amputees, paraplegic, quadriplegic or suffered severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).  Since its inception in 2004, nearly 90 cents of every dollar spent by Homes for Our Troop has gone to directly support Veterans. DURING THAT TIME HFOT HAS BUILT 383 SPECIALLY ADAPTED HOMES NATIONWIDE FOR EXTREMELY INJURED VETERANS.”

Home for Our Troops benefit concerts feature premier Second Life talent monthly at Veteran’s Isle. The July 7, 2024 concert is scheduled from 11AM-3PM PST.  It is fitting that it will be staged on the weekend that we celebrate the birth of our great country.  Featured artists will be DJ Zack Friller and performers Roxy Chronotis, Marqs Desade and Frets Nirvana.

Sponsored by Frets Nirvana and the U.S. Military Veteran’s Group of Second Life.  To learn more about Homes for Our Troops visit https://www.hfotusa.or

Scenes At The SLB: Pony Play

I had a spare five minutes the other day, so I decided to check out the SL Birthday. I noticed a large group of dots on the map in the exhibit area, so curious I TPed over. Once the red clouds, most of them, cleared away, what I saw was a herd of ponies running around. I noticed something else; they were rolling what looked like a large egg around. The third thing I noticed, there was someone inside. 
I'd seen this group of ponies before at the Fantasy Faire running around, and now here they were at the SLB, having found something to roll around.  They went past me, and headed down some road.

As for the lady in the egg, SarahKB7 Koskinen, she's been in the paper a few times, such as wanting to be the first to sail between two newly connected continents

One random scene at the Second Life Birthday.

Bixyl Shuftan

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Gemma's Internet Connection Down

For those wondering why SL Newser reporter Gemma Cleanslate hasn't had anything in the paper for a little while, her Internet connection is down, having to rely on a friend to send email. It should be taken care of soon, and her articles resuming.

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: Fourth of July, TBA, TBA

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, DJ Snowy, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: TBA

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: TBA

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Sunbeamers At Relaystock

Yesterday on June 30, the Relay for Life's fundraising season for 2024 came to a close. Among the teams taking part were the Sunbeamers, which ended at Ruby level and eleventh place. The team had taken part in a number of events to raise money. Among them was the Relaystock in mid-May, a tribute to the noted three day rock music festival in 1969. DJ Cynthia would head a band of dancers on stage. So how well did they do?
Read the story in Events

Happy Canada Day

 Happy Canada Day to our readers from the Great White North.
Picture taken at the Canadian Club Lodge 

SLB Linden "Community Roundtable" Today

Today, Monday July 1, Linden Lab hosts the last of it's scheduled Meet the Lindens events at the Second Life Birthday, the "Community Roundtable." Patch Linden and Executive Chairman Oberwolf Linden will be on stage.
Attend our second Community Roundtable at the SL21B Aquatorium with Executive Chairman Oberwolf Linden and Senior VP of Product Operations & Marketing Patch Linden. Our Community Roundtables give you the opportunity to connect directly with our top executives, share your input, and discuss ideas on enhancing Second Life. This initiative represents another step in our efforts to improve our community interactions, ensuring that your voice is more directly heard and valued.  

The event will take place at 11:30 AM SL time at the Aquatorium building. Note - this is earlier than the other Meet the Lindens events. Vic Morington and Pantera Polnocy will likely be broadcasting live.


The "Last Day of Relay Party"

 Picture from Wildstar Beaumont. On Sunday June 30, the final event of the Relay Season was held, the Last Day of Relay party.

Come party with us, Selene is DJ'n American Cancer Society2 (244,100,23)
 Our last day of Relay part continues at the Relay Stage  come on over and join us ....  the party continues until 7pm slt tonight!
It was a great Relay season with a total of 115,523,610 Linden dollars raised, or $462,094.00 USD. But people are already looking forward to the next one , starting at Feb 15, 2025. And between now and then are events like the Fandom Con, Making Strides, and the Winter Expo.