Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11 Memorials

 It was twenty-three years ago that the September 11 terrorist attacks took place. Nineteen hijackers from the Islamofacist group Al Qaeda, led by Osama Bin-Laden, would take over four airliners, and use them for suicide attacks, crashing them into both towers of New York City's World Trade Center, and the Pentagon in Arlington Virginia. One airliner, thought to be headed to Washington DC's Capitol, crashed to the ground near Shanksville Pennsylvania after the passengers heard what was going on through cell phones and began overpowering the hijackers. Almost 3000 were murdered, making this the deadliest terrorist attack in American history, and in the years afterward many more would pass away due to illnesses related to the dust from the collapse of the Twin Towers and the cleanup afterward. It would also launch the "War on Terror," as well as bring about changes in the lives of Americans that continue to this day. 

Over time, there have been a number of memorials to the fallen in Second Life. One of the largest was the memorial set up in 2009 by Alliez Mysterio. A decade ago, Cindy Bolero would set up a Stairclimb Tribute to the firefighters who braved the doomed World Trade Center before it's collapse. At Stag Island was a detailed memorial done by Fazio Magic. After his passing, it would be at Yellow River for a few years.

Sadly, those memorials are now gone, with only pictures, films, and memorials remaining. But there are still some inworld. For several years, there's been one high above Gold Haven. Made by Bryston Vanvleck, it's official name is "A Tribute to The Victims & Heroes Who Lost Their Lives on September 11, 2001," It is located at .


Most of the 9/11 memorials are focused around the World Trade Center. But high above Copperhead Road is one to the passengers who foiled the terrorists on the fourth airliner, the virtual Flight 93 Memorial. It was created by Paul Woodrunner, and can be found at .

On the Mainland, there is this unnamed Twin Towers Memorial. It is located at

Also on the Mainland is the Memorial to Victims of Terrorism Throughout The World. While it's about numerous acts of terror, the 9/11 attacks are mentioned here. Made by Prokofy Neva, the memorial is at .
A generation later, much has changed. In real-life news, headlines are about an election of which numbers of voters fear the victory of the candidate they're voting against will result in the end of America as a democratic republic. But maybe, we can take a moment and not only remember the fallen, but how unified as a country we were. It didn't matter if one was a Democrat or Republican, red state or blue state. Our country had been attacked like it hadn't been since Pearl Harbor, and we were united in striking back against those who dared murder our people. 

Twenty-three years later, we still remember.

Bixyl Shuftan

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