The month of April had been going smoothly for the staff at the Podex Exchange. As usual, people were going in to trade various global currencies for Linden dollars. Sometimes they would talk a little about what they would be using the Lindens for. With spring in the air, there was less talk about winter-themed items such as coats and sleds, and more about new yard fixtures such as new trees, shrubs and flowers. The Relay for Life fundraising season was still in full swing and people were buying Lindens to donate to a favorite team, or just to the Relay in general. And this being the season for new life, people were getting Lindens to rent spots in romance areas. In the past couple days, something new had come up. The SS Galaxy ocean liner was slated for closing, and people were heading over to purchase a souvenir while they could.
The tellers were chatting about goings on between customers when someone walked in. He was dressed in a baseball uniform, with a light blue undershirt and dark blue cap. He had with him a catcher's mitt and baseball bat.
"Um, can we help you?" One teller asked.

"Interesting," the teller commented, "Our customers don't bring up real life that often. What are the complications?"
"Well, I'm from Baltimore, and a serious baseball fan. And well, they're holding the game at the stadium, but they're not allowing anybody in! The players are playin' to empty stands!"
"That doesn't make any sense, Sir."
"You're tellin' me. Anyway, while we could still see the game on the tube, it just doesn't seem the same. So I talked my homies into coming here and we could have our own baseball game."
"That's very inventive, Sir. I take it you're here to get the money for the equipment?"
"You got it."

It only took for a few minutes for the paperwork to be done and the transfer of funds made.
"There you are Sir. Enjoy your game."
"Sweet! Thanks a bunch!" It was at this point that there was a ringing noise from the customer's pocket, "Be right back," and he held up a cell phone to his ear. After a few moments, he put it back.
"Something wrong, Sir?"
"That was one of my homies, asking about six or seven short guys n' gals talking about waffles and doing the 'Riverdance.' Looks like I still need to explain a few things about this place."
"Oh I see Sir. I hope there won't be any problems."
"Not yet. When they asked about how to get to the porn areas, I told them they'd have to wait 30 days. I didn't tell them how to age verify themselves yet."
The sports fan chuckled, then the tellers joined him in the laughter. And after a goodbye, he went on his way.
The Podex Exchange is located at the Coda sim at (45, 218, 61), with a website at Jacek Shuftan is the CEO.
Note: The preceding is a fictional story, written for the dual purpose of advertisement and entertainment.
Bixyl Shuftan
Nice post!