The following was originally published in Second Life Newspaper in February 2010
I recently came across a church in Second Life, the ALM Cyber Church. The church is in the appropriately named Truth sim. Porting there automatically takes one to the sim entry circle at (124, 118, 26). In front of the newly arrived visitor will be a structure full of stained-glass windows, with a steeple on top. Near the church is a three-cross structure. There are some nearby places. Behind the sim entrance is a community center. Further away is a garden area, and some residential quarters.

The Sunday I showed up, attendance was small at first, but gradually grew. At one point there were 36 people around, both furred and normal human, and a tiny. Above Benjamin was a tag showing a proverb from the Bible. At a couple times, the pastors would sing, some of the congregation getting up with their arms up in the air, swinging:

and all that is within me
bless His holy name
For he has done great things
He has done great things
He has done great things
He's so good to me
He saved my soul
He saved my soul
He saved my soul
He's so good to me
He is coming soon
He is coming soon
He is coming soon
Bless his holy name
The sermon was around the passage Romans 13: 1-4 in the Bible, concerning submission to earthy authority, “It’s too easy to speak evil of others ... of our leaders. But we will not be blessed unless we speak good ... He who rebels against authority rebels against what God has established. ... It’s best to examine our own lives. ... Spreading gossip? Stop it! Speaking evil of our leaders? Stop it.”
There were some signs that a few in the audience seemed to be missing the point, one typing, “unrealistic RP.” Then floating, joking that he had been healed. Following the service, when some went up to the altar to pray, a few began being disruptive. After plenty of fair warning, they were finally banned from the sim.
Presumably that grefing was a rare event in this church in Second Life.
Bixyl Shuftan
*Addition* The church is still around, located in Pieup (16, 28, 63). Sunday services are still at 11 AM
I think that the time of The ALM (Abundant Living Ministries) CyberChurch Sunday Services are at 1:00 PM SLT (Second Life Time)