Friday, August 30, 2024

EOTB: News From Linden Lab

A few days ago, Linden Lab would post in the official blog a summary of news about Second Life, from it's point of view, over the course of the summer. 

This Summer has had some highs and lows. SL21B was a great success – the exhibitions, the events & performances, the town halls and the beta launch of Second Life mobile app – we enjoyed celebrating with all of you! But the rollout of PBR has been rocky and we know that it’s caused a lot of frustration. ...

Now let’s catch you all up on recent product developments! Continue reading for mobile updates, server changes, news for creators and Viewer releases.

Among the news from the Lab:

The mobile viewer got an update earlier this month. There were bug fixes, such as "Water no longer appears in weird places after you teleport" and fixes for avatars using Bakes On Mesh so textures are better able to load. And there were some user-interface updates, such as the ability to add or remove a group tag. 

The Lab would state, "Some important fixes and features have made their way across the grid in the last several months." This includes taking care of the "hovering-on-login" bug, and having "shipped support for 2k textures" for content creators. 

They would also talk about a combat system, Combat 2.0. They described it as having "new LSL functions and region settings to support building flexible combat systems using the built in damage system," as well as "damage adjustment for armor and healing," different kinds of damage to "allow for vulnerabilities and resistances," combat logs, region settings, and more.There would also be a new Combat section in the Destinations Guide

There was a new version of the Linden viewer up for download: Atlasaurus, which helps with a number of the PBR-related issues that have been bothering some residents lately. It also, "includes support for taking large groups of items back into inventory as individual objects, instead of a coalesced bundle of items, leaving you wondering if your favorite chair is really in there with the rest of your living room set. There is also a new Max Nearby Lights slider in Advanced Graphics Settings, for when things seem too bright. Plus a sneak peek at GLTF model imports which allows you a local, preview-only version, of what an imported model will look like. Plus all of WebRTC merged in."

For more information, check the post on the Linden Blog

Bixyl Shuftan

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