Sunday, August 11, 2024

Winner of Final Linden Home Poll Announced: Tiki/Water Theme

Last Monday, August 5, Patch Linden announced in the Second Life forums the winner of the last Linden Home Poll. It was the Tiki/Water Theme, with Alpine Style Theme (Snow) as the runner up. 

The winner:  Tiki/Water Theme
Runner up:  Alpine Style Theme (Snow)

Owing to our offsite training, the team has fallen somewhat behind and is now focused on catching up. We have yet to determine which theme will be in line with Premium or Premium+, but we expect to make this decision promptly. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll and helped decide the upcoming themes for Linden Homes!

The first of the three polls was announced on July 1, of which Tiki/Water and Alpine style were just two of 33 themes listed. The winner was supposed to have been announced a week earlier, on Monday July 28, but was delayed without comment for seven days. 

There was no comment about when the new theme will be available.

Bixyl Shuftan

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