Friday, August 2, 2024

Strawberry Singh Blog Closed

Some longtime residents recall Strawberry Singh, a noted blogger who did a number of fashion articles. In December 2017, she was on the spot when a Linden Lab employee demanded she take down a tutorial video because Second Life's "hand" symbol was trademarked, then the Lab issued a public apology.  In April 2019, she was hired by Linden Lab and had a new account: Strawberry Linden. Although part of the Lab, she continued to make continued blog posts. But they could sometimes be months apart, only three in 2021, and the last one on July 1 2023. 

On Bellisseria chat, someone pointed out that the blog had been taken down. Going to, there were no links, only a blurry picture of a woman with the words, "Thank you all for the love and support." The blog is on the Wayback Machine, and was still up in early June.

In her last post about the SL20B, her final words included, "So thank you for being on this journey with me, especially to those of you who have supported my work all these years and still read the words I occasionally share on this blog. Here’s to 20 more years of virtual adventures!"  
Yesterday in the Second Life forums, Strawberry would post about her blog doing down, as well as her relative silence lately.  She stated she had a death in the family, and closed her blog as she was trying to "reduce my digital footprint under my Strawberry Singh account." She did say, "I’m doing okay now and will be around more often."

Bixyl Shuftan

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