Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Ten Years Ago: Ice Bucket Challenge

 It was about ten years ago an unusual fundraiser for a disease, turned social phenomena, had reached Second Life: the Ice Bucket Challenge. Originating as "the Cold Water Challenge" in early 2014 for various charities, such as hospice centers, by summer it had changed to the Ice Bucket Challenge with the focus becoming ALS, also known as Lou Gerigh's Disease, and quickly growing in popularity. There were numerous people dumping a bucket of ice cold water on their heads, naming several people to either do the same or donate to the ALS Association or other ALS related charities. Celebrities and politicians such as Weird Al Yankovic, Justin Beiber, LeBron James, and former President Bush would take part. Even Kermit the Frog took the challenge (video).

Like so many social phenomena, the Ice Bucket Challenge would eventually reach Second Life. Eventually people began creating scripted ice buckets, then douse themselves challenging friends to donate or do the same. While it might not be as inconvenient, or as freezing, as the real thing to those getting iced, it could be just as entertaining to those watching. A number of people would record their challenge on video, such as Kara Trapdoor, and Josie Anderton. Many would get dunked at a bucket set up at a wrestling association building, raising thousands of Lindens there alone.

And yes, yours truly would end up taking the challenge as well

It's unclear how many thousands of Lindens were raised in Second Life Ice Bucket Challenges. But the total amount raised worldwide was over 114 million dollars. In the words of the ALS association, it almost tripled the money raised for the charity and "dramatically accelerated" the fight against the disease.

Could a similar challenge come about ten years later for ALS in Second Life? Considering all of the "Bid Me Bald" events going on, one could. 

Have an ice day,

Bixyl Shuftan

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