Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Announcement: New Year's At Caledon Downs


Greetings to all! You are invited to the yearly New Years Eve Party at the Goblin Cave! The Duchy of Downs will throw a party starting at 8 PM and will last till at least 1 AM. Music will be provided by Her Grace Cynthia Farshore and will play region wide so you can enjoy the Christmas rides and sights before they are taken down. A ball will drop for each time zone of the continental U.S. followed with 2 minutes of fireworks till the last zone you get a full 5 minutes. Besides the dance you can enjoy riding the Christmas Express around the region and even pay a visit to Santa on his hidden aerial abode. The Caledon wide sleigh ride awaits there too to take you on a 30 minute round trip tour of every region of Caledon! So come enjoy and if you can't stay long who cares just drop in and say Hi!!

Their Grace, the Duke and Duchess of Downs
Shockwave Yareach & Cynthia Farshore

"Our Holiday Gift To You" Linden Lab Announces All Residents Get Six Months Free of Madpea Unlimited


Madpea has long been providing games for the residents of Second Life to play. Years ago, one could play them for free, such as Virtual Medical Doctor from 2011. In more recent times, they've been making more detailed and challenging games that they've been charging fees to play. They've operated independently from Linden Lab. But a few days ago, the Lab would announce they had made a deal with them, and the result being every resident from basic accounts to Premium Plus would be getting a free six month subscription to Madpea's Unlimited game package.

Get ready for an amazing treat, Second Life community! We’re thrilled to announce that all Second Life residents are receiving six months free access to MadPea Unlimited - the acclaimed and popular subscription service from MadPea Productions. Valued at an incredible L$12,000, this gift unlocks a world of engaging Second Life content and surprises including exciting story-driven games and hunts, exclusive gifts, and fun experiences to play alone or with friends. 
The Lab would go on to say that the free service doesn't start right away, but takes effect on Wednesday January 1st.  Also, residents don't need to do anything to activate it. 

For more information, check out the Lab's blog entry (here), and the page on the Madpea website:

Bixyl Shuftan

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, Furry Fashion, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: DJ Jenni, DJ Snowy, DJ Cynthia

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, TBA, DJ Charlee, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: DJ Snowy
Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: DJ Snowy

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks (events TBA)
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: TBA, DJ Juana, TBA, TBA, TBA, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:  Scalies, CAYA, Sparkles, Good VS Evil, TBA
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Update: "The Corsean Encounter" Now on Paperback

It was a few days ago that yours truly announced his novel "The Corsean Encounter" was finally published and up on Kindle. The paperback wasn't available then. But as of a couple days ago, it now is. So now you can get the sci-fi tale done by the editor of the Newser on both Kindle and paperback on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DRT58H37/ 

So what's next? Yours truly has been working on a sequel: "The Corsean Encounter: Prelude to War." I've also been working on a fantasy tale, "Tales of a Metamorph." 

But writing those won't stop me from doing stories for the Newser, and as always will continue to write about the people, places, and events of this virtual world.

Bixyl Shuftan

Announcement: Hippiestock 2025


January will be Hippiestock month!

The sim is open now for blogger and participants, and has a soft public opening on January 1st.

The first event is on the January 2nd with DJ Uli Jansma kicking of the month of events.

The sim invites for some exploring. There are signposts to help you find your way.
There are two big hills, one with a tower, one to use for sledding down. Both provide great views of the landscape.

The main area is the big turtle stage and dance floor, where the hippies will be warm inside the particle snow globe, made by April Acorn.
(The particle flowers, snow and burst you will find on the sim are also made by April.)

There are frozen waters to skate on, an ice-fishing hole for people who like fishing, a cozy cave for the weary skater, lots of little nooks to sit and enjoy the surroundings.

The Barn, with info on past and present Hippiestocks.
The art area is next to the barn.

A stage for Feed A Smile, the charity which will have a concert on the 15th of January.

The Peace Grove where there will be meditation with Reiki sessions every Sunday in January..

The Drum Circle, which will be held on January 18

Wednesdays are Humpdays -Live with two performances and Thursdays are Dj events.

There is also a photo contest, from 1 - 19 January. After that one pic per contestant will be shown at the art area on the sim and on the 30th, during the Theme Party, the winners will be revealed.

ART Music and Community!

Ck & Owl


Monday, December 30, 2024

Christmas at Calas and Andee's Golf

Before Gemma Cleanslate ended her looking around Christmas locations before the big day, she stopped by a favorite location: Calas Galadhon. She looked around, and once again was impressed with what they had up for the holiday. She also met up with a friend, Andee, who invited her to check out her golf course.
Read Gemma's article in Places.

(Earlier the link went to the wrong section, it's been corrected)

Troll of The Year: The Linden Ageplay Allegations Controversy

SL news is full of people accomplishing great things and helping others. Unfortunately, one of the biggest news stories this year was caused by a single individual whose accusations led to questions about some of the Lindens and Moles and resulting in policy changes which irritated many.

In late February, a number of residents were taking about an article that accused a number of Lindens and Moles of taking part in ageplay (sexual roleplay between an adult and a minor) with avatars designed to look like young teens. While the writer claimed to be well-known, a search of his name didn't point out other articles. Prokovy Neva, no friend of the Lab, would state that aside from a real-life name or two mentioned, there was no real evidence anything in the write-up was true. As one commenting in the Newser would say, "Anyone can make any claim they want about anything. And in SL, its also easy to create evidence of anything - you take a picture then add awful textures to replace the innocent ones on their wall. Sorry, but in this postPhotoshop world, having a picture is not sufficient to hang someone. Anyone can take any picture in SL and edit it to look like anything else."
Eventually, the Lab would take the discussions seriously enough to start investigating, reminding people, "we have a zero-tolerance policy against sexualized ageplay" and they were taking the accusations seriously. On May, Linden Lab announced changes in their child avatar policy, notably that they could no longer be nude and needed a "modesty layer," and could no longer enter any sim rated Adult, even if the location had nothing of a sexual nature. The later led to a number of complaints, particularly because some residential sims were labeled adult out of fear the Lab would boot consenting adults for what happened behind closed doors. The change in policy would affect the Burn2 festival as it had allowed both nudity and child avatars, notably Marianne McCann who helped out at the event. But with the new rule, she could no longer attend. 

Bellissaria chat would be quiet of blue dialogue from the Lindens and Moles for a while, and for a time those named in the article, notably Patch Linden, would keep a low profile for a while. Many cheered when he reappeared, but there were a few going along the lines of "hide the children!" 

Yours truly is not going to mention the man who caused all this by name, or psudonym, but he is our "troll of the year" for 2024. 

Bixyl Shuftan

Press Release: Bay City's Prim Drop New Year's Eve Party


31st December gala event in the City by the Bay

BAY CITY, SL (29th December, 20234) - Citizens of Bay City, Second Life's® city by the bay, will be marking the end of the year in fine fashion, attending the annual "Prim Drop" in the Bay City Fairgrounds in North Channel on the evening of the 31st of December.

The festivities will feature a two-hour set of music presented by Marianne McCann, as well as fireworks and other festive entertainment. Complimentary food and beverages will be provided for all attendees.

The event is presented as an outdoor, high-class, wintertime soirée, and black tie attire and/or full dress is requested. All Second Life® Residents are welcome to attend and ring in the New Year with the Bay City community.

This will also be the last event within Bay City this year for donating to Child's Play Charity (www.childsplaycharity.org. Child’s Play is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides online communities like ours with the opportunity to support seriously ill children globally during their hospital stays through the purchase of games and gaming equipment.

Bay City is a mainland community developed by Linden Lab® and home to the Bay City Alliance. Founded in 2008, the Bay City Alliance promotes the Bay City regions of Second Life and provides a venue for Bay City Residents and interested parties to socialize and network.

For further information, please contact Marianne McCann.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Flowery Outfit

 Taken at the Happy Vixen. Someone was sporting an outfit made to look like a poinsettia, a flower associated with Christmas. This was a punch line I couldn't "leaf" out either. 

By Bixyl Shuftan

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Christmas At The Newser Office

 With the holiday hustle and bustle, sometimes one forgets something until a few days have passed. In this case, yours truly forgot to put up the picture of the Christmas decor, a tree and some presents with St. Nick, Gemma Cleanslate put up at the Newser office in HV Community.

Happy New Year, everyone.

SL Video: The Drax Files Made in SL Episode 2: Giant Snail Races


From Draxtor on October 31 (some profanity) , " The Giant Snail Races - hosted by RacerX Gullwing - have been going on since October 2004. So why have I not produced a comprehensive deep dive into the wonderful madness of their world until NOW? Well, I am ashamed and I hope I can redeem myself with this one ... And may Ozzy, Zappa and Richard Simmons have mercy on my avatar's soul! +++++++++++++++ Video production and music by yours truly with the help of the fine folks mentioned in the credit sequence. ++++++++++++++ For further SL human/avatar interest type mini documentary viewing:

Friday, December 27, 2024

Linden Lab's Payouts to Residents Exceed 1.1 Billion in Total

An article by Venturebeat has gotten attention in recent days. In part, it's because of the amount Linden Lab has invested in Second Life over the years, 1.3 billion US dollars. But it also mentioned something the residents would find more interesting. It's paid out a total of 1.1 billion US dollars to the residents.

It would be mentioned in a letter shared with some residents by Brett Linden

The formal numbers are:  Linden Lab has officially surpassed $1.3 billion invested in building our world and $1.1 billion paid out to our incredible creators. These milestones speak volumes about the vibrant economy and thriving community that we have worked together to build over the years.

Fun fact: Creators in Second Life are 100x more likely to earn over $10K annually compared to Roblox - as highlighted in this VentureBeat article detailing how Second Life remains a shining example of a creator-first metaverse.

This achievement underscores the power of Second Life as a creator-first metaverse and the dedication of our vibrant community.

While Roblox does pay it's users for content created, they don't make as much in comparison. They give content creators about a 70 percent share. In contrast, Linden Lab allows Second Life's content creators a 90% share of what they make, taking in ten percent in fees. 

An article in New World Notes would get into this further. According to it's sources, of the 21,152 people that made money in Second Life in 2023, about 30% or 6,446 made over $1000 USD. 1580 would make over $10,000. 138 would make over $100,000. And 14 would make over a million dollars US. 
That's quite a bit of money from what some would dismiss as a "game."
In contrast, only 0.2%, a fifth of one percent of Roblox users make more than $1000 USD. Venturebeat compared it less than favorably to Second Life, "the business of Roblox today consists of a few winners and more losers, kind of like the triple-A game business today, where the odds of any given person’s success are pretty low."

Hamlet Au would call the businessmen and women of SL about four percent of Second Life's monthly users, about 500,000 in number. While the big moneymakers in the past were land barons such as Anshe Chung, it was his opinion that today an increasing number were in the mesh avatar and accessory business. 

On a personal commentary, there's no statistics available for those who made a little less than a thousand USD, but it's not hard to imagine someone who makes several hundred dollars a year DJing or small-time content creating or some other inworld income, and while one might not be able to make a living that way, a few extra bucks in one's pocket can make life a little more comfortable.

Bixyl Shuftan

This Saturday at The Science Circle

Saturday December 28
    At 10 AM PST   

    SC Field Trip: Chemistry World
    By Mike Shaw
    Chemistry World (183/48/26)
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Second Life Cheerleaders Squad (SLCS) Winter Girls Night Out

Longtime readers will recognize the Second Life Cheerleading Squad, or SLCS as one of the Relay for Life's major teams, year after year. But they aren't just up and about on Relay season. Dancerina Starlight was with them as they had a Christmas event, a Winter Girls Night Out. So what happened?
Read Dancerina's story in People.

"The Corsean Encounter" Up On Kindle

I don't normally post about my activities outside Second Life, but this has been a project decades in the making, and is finally up.
Those who know me well recall that besides having a longtime interest in current events, I've also been reading science-fiction and history. Most science-fiction stories involve aliens with either advanced or tribal technology. Technology in a Medieval or Colonial Age state? Not so much. 

So introducing my first published story: The Corsean Encounter.

Theadore Smith, sentenced to a Soviet gulag, gets a second chance when the train he's on has a wreck in Central Asia. Making his way south with his companion Leonid Kakanov, they're ambushed by Muslim tribesmen, and have to seek shelter in a cave they stumble upon. Finding a strange machine, it teleports them to another cave. They emerge not on Earth, but another world. Running into some of its not quite human inhabitants, whom live under Medieval conditions, the initially friendly encounter turns hostile when they're captured by a local lord, whom turns them over to his superior.

After a period of time in which Theadore learns the local language, the overlord takes the two humans to his Emperor as a gift. At the Imperial Palace, they learn more about the land and it's people. They get attention from some people who see value in their knowledge. They also run into the ambassador of a nearby land which is somewhat more advanced and not an empire but a republic, Gideon. But some consider the humans little more than monsters, whose lives are of no real value. Can Theadore and Leonid convince enough people of importance that they deserve more than a lifetime in a dungeon, or worse? And what can they do for the Gideon Republic, which many in the Empire want to settle old scores with?

For now, the story is available only on the kindle version, though kindle apps can be used on computers, tablets, and some smartphones. The paperback version will be available soon. 

You can find the story on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DRDZSTHC

And stay tuned for the sequel: "Prelude to War."

Update: "The Corsean Encounter" is now available on both Kindle and paperback.

Bixyl Shuftan

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas

 Merry Christmas from the Second Life Newser

Taken at Caledon Downs

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, Furry Fashion, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: DJ Jenni, DJ Snowy,

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, TBA, DJ Charlee, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: DJ Snowy
Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: DJ Snowy

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: No Event, DJ Juana, TBA, Breakfast Show, TBA, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:  Christmas CAYA, Christmas Colors, Christmas Day CAYA, Magic, TBA
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Christmas at Yosemite

Gemma Cleanslate has been looking around Second Life for Christmas places. And for her last one before the big day, she stopped at a favorite location to see what has been going on there for the holiday: Yosemite. As it turns out, it's owner Jadin Emerald has been doing much.
Read Gemma's story in Places

Monday, December 23, 2024

The Land of Misfit Toys

Christmas is almost here, and we at the Newser have been busy. But, we have enough time to squeeze in one more Christmas article before Santa makes his rounds. At The River, there's a cute tribute to a classic made for TV Christmas special, "The Land of Misfit Toys." So our editor dropped by for a look.
Read the article in Places.  

Announcement: Christmas Downs Is Open


The Duchy of Caledon Downs is pleased to announce the opening of Christmas Downs and the Santa Sleigh Ride. We do apologize for the lateness this year but most all know of the major land movement and parcel ownership that took place which caused a re-routing of the ride. 

The Christmas Express which takes you up to Santa's land is located on the high ground at the railroad track, Also the Christmas Express has been replaced with newer models with easier to sit on car. Ice skating on the harbor now can provide free skates. Up on the Goblin Cave hill is a free Sled to ride on. 

We do hope you will come and explore Caledon Downs as it is completely open to the public. 
Will remain till Jan. 2nd 2025

Cynthia Farshore

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Cartoon of the Day: Skunky Toilet

 Taken at Cherry 18. How this furry skunk got himself in a john, who knows. But there is one way to describe it.
By Bixyl Shuftan

Saturday, December 21, 2024

SL Video: "Second Life Winter Land Tour Stunning Decorated Homes & Scenic Views!"

 From Candace the Aries on December 15, "Welcome to my cozy winter adventure in *Second Life**! ❄️ In this video, I’ll take you on a magical **Winter Land Tour* filled with stunning **decorated houses**, breathtaking **snowy landscapes**, and perfect spots for your next photo session. Whether you’re here for the inspiration, exploring for new destinations, or just want to enjoy a virtual winter wonderland, you’re in the right place!"

Announcement: Lamplighters Solstice Gathering


The Lamplighters invite burners and friends to come to the playa and join them for reflection, relaxation, fun and yes, burns from noon til midnight SLT.

The gathering will open with an effigy burn at noon SLT on Burn2's playa, come one, come all!


Friday, December 20, 2024

More Christmas Shoping

Gemma Cleanslate has been going around Christmas shopping areas. Here, she writes about a few. One is the Christmas Wonderland event, with plenty of items and deals. But a few other places caught her eye,
LouChara Furniture, C.M.D. Christmas store, and Christmas Delights. So what did she think?

Read Gemma's story in Design.

"Twisted Christmas" at The Happy Vixen

On Thursday December 19, the Happy Vixen held what's become an annual tradition for the little beach club, it's "Twisted Christmas" event. At Noon, club owner Nydia Tungsten herself took the stream as DJ Naughty Nydia.

We're ALL tired of the same old Christmas songs they have been shoving down our throats since BEFORE Halloween! So lets all tell them where they can shove their sappy 3 month holiday by screwing with it! Come on down to THV and check out this irreverent set! So grab yer Hoe hoe hoes hop in the slay and drop by for a laugh!

And as everyone who has been at a "Naughty Nydia" set knows, her Christmas tunes range from mild to wild to "Oh, Emm, Gee!" There were tunes such as "Christmas at Ground Zero," "The Night Santa Went Crazy," and some I can't even mention the titles here.

But that wasn't all for the Happy Vixen that day. Later on at 6PM, DJ Charlee would do her own set with her own Christmas tunes. Some were conventional. Others such as "Down With The Christmas" weren't.
The Happy Vixen is at Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24) and has several events each week.

Merry Christmas from the Happy Vixen

Bixyl Shuftan

This Saturday at The Science Circle

Saturday December 21
    At 10 AM PST   

    SC Field Trip: Scientia
    By Shiloh E.
    Scientia (188/145/31)
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Winter Swaginator Hunt

Among the activities by Linden Lab has available for the residents this Christmas season is the Winter Swaginator Hunt.
 The Winter Swaginator Hunt has started!!! Get your hud here and find the 5 prizes. Make sure you read the clues the hud gives you to find them. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Muehlenbach/130/119/35
To do the hunt, head to the starting point as the announcement says in Muehlenbach (130/119/35). You click on the sign nearby between the two statues, and you get the HUD in your inventory. Attach it, then you read the clue to find the next sign, where it will be nearby with the first prize.
Once you find the sign, click it to get your prize, and your HUD will update for the clue to where the next prize is, and the option to tp nearby where you should be able to quickly find it. 

As the announcement says, there are a total of five prizes, and the hunt will go on all month.
Bixyl Shuftan

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Attack of The Gingerbread Men

 Taken while shopping. One lady had some little gingerbread men with angry expressions whacking her foot with candy canes. Why would they be upset? I could think of one reason.

By Bixyl Shuftan


Do YOU Have A Story?


On occasion, Second Life Newser will print an article or picture submitted to us by one of you, the readers.

Have you seen a particularly well-detailed sim? Went to a great event? Found yourself in a hilarious "only in SL" predicament? We're very interested in what you the readers have to say. Send us a story or funny picture, and if we like it, we'll post it as a Reader Submitted. For pictures, jpg format is preferred.
This is where you the readers come in.  On occasion, Second Life Newser will print an article or picture submitted to us by one of you. We're very interested in what you the readers have to say. Send us a story or funny picture, and if we like it, we'll post it as a Reader Submitted. For pictures, jpg format is preferred.

Mail submissions to bixylshuftan(at)gmail.com.

PLEASE include your SL user name and tell us if you wish it to appear with your story.

SL-Newser reserves the right to post in the appropriate section, edit,  and to investigate any names used in submitted stories (please ask permission before using anyone's name or picture that's clearly someone or use an alias for them).

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

 Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: Silver and Gold, Big Hair, Christmas

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: DJ Snowy

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: DJ Snowy

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: W: DJ Charlee, Th: DJ Juana, DJ Gwen, Sat: TBA, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:   Felines VS Canines, Fantasy, Stripes and Spots, Gold and Silver, YBA
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Eighteen Years ago ...


My avatar would be considered old enough to vote, and legally a mature man in real life.
It was eighteen years ago today, in which yours truly first came to this virtual world, December 17, 2006. I had only recently gotten high-speed Internet, finally getting off the old "dial-up" telephone modem. So I was free to check out two places online my friends were talking about: World of Warcraft and Second Life. 

Today, World of Warcraft has become more or less a happy memory to me, still around but no longer the king of MMOs that it used to be. But Second Life is still very much around and I'm still very much going. As any parent can tell you, a LOT can happen in eighteen years, and it has. A year later, I had a number of friends and found my purpose here: online journalism. And over time, my path has taken me to a few communities, many friends, and a couple years ago a loving SL wife. Second Life has also changed much, going through a number of CEOs and being bought up, going from prim building to mesh and then other forms of mesh, the Lindens went from involved with the residents to hardly involved to somewhat involved again. Corporations and celebrities would take an interest early on, but then began to leave. Over time, the residents would change as well, new ones coming in constantly, and older ones leaving due to real life or dying. 

So what does the future hold? Baring a catastrophe of some kind, Second Life will be around for years to come. And me, baring an accident or some other medical emergency, I'll continue to be around for a few years more. But retirement is several years away, and once that happens I'll have my physical and financial health to think about. But that's in the future. In the meantime, I'll still be coming on to support my friends and SL family, and write about this virtual world.
To read more about my first days, check out my 2021 article.

Bixyl Shuftan.  

Monday, December 16, 2024

Tex's Tree Farm

Gemma Cleanslate has been going around Second Life checking out winter and Christmas themed places. One she visited recently was Tex's Tree Farm. Here, you can pick your tree, chop it down, and take it home. But that's not the only thing you can do here.
Read Gemma's article in Places

Palworld Update Includes Minor Change to Gameplay In Response to Pokemon Lawsuit

In September, Nintendo, the owner of the Pokemon franchise, sued Pocketpair, the makers of the Palworld, claming the much smaller company's game violated multiple patents. Because of some similarities, the game had sometimes been called "Pokemon with guns." Among them was how players summoned their monsters. Players could do so by aiming and throwing "Pal Spheres" to where they desired for them to appear. But after an update in the game a few days ago, this can no longer be done. Instead, summoned creatures will appear right next to the player.

It is unknown if this is the only change in response to the lawsuit, or if there will be others. Nintendo's lawsuit is still going on.

Sources: Polygon, Gamesradar

Bixyl Shuftan

Press Release: Lighted Boat Parade 2024



Event will include skate party

BAY CITY, SL (13 December, 2024) - Bay City will show their holiday spirit with a lighted boat parade launching from the New Port Yacht Club and traveling the waters to Uccie's Lighthouse, then north to the Bay City Fairgrounds. The event will kick off at 7:00 p.m. on the 19th, and will finish with a skate party in the Fairgrounds, with music provided by local musical celebrity DJ GoSpeed of KONA Stream.

Participants from across the grid are welcome to join in: many mesh boats come with party lights and other options, but if the boat doesn't have lights, we'd recommend adding some, either by editing them onto the boat, or creating a lighting rig you can wear in advance. Or you may visit Uccie's Lighthouse in Luna Palisades or the Bay City Fairgrounds in North Channel to view the parade. Bleachers are provided at the latter location

Donation bins will also be present at the event, with all proceeds going to Child's Play Charity. Child's Play is a 501c3 non profit organization offers online communities such as ours an opportunity to help seriously ill children around the globe during their hospital stays with the purchase of games and gaming equipment. Thus far in the 2024 season, Bay City has raised L$241112 for the charity.

Bay City is a mainland community, developed by Linden Lab® and home to the Bay City Alliance. The Bay City Alliance was founded in 2008 to promote the Bay City regions of Second Life and provide a venue for Bay City Residents and other interested parties to socialize and network. It is now the largest group for Residents of Bay City.

For more information, or to participate in the event, please contact Marianne McCann.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Cartoon of the Day: Why Doesn't Santa Use a GPS?

 For who-knows how long, Santa's magical way of getting around the world on Christmas has seemingly unchanged. But one can think of one other reason he would rely on magic instead of modern technology. 

By Bixyl Shuftan

Saturday, December 14, 2024

At The Office: Snack Time

 Taken at the December Newser crew meeting earlier this month. Dancerena Starlight enjoys a pretzel during the discussion.
The office is at  HV Community, (140, 85, 25).

SL Video: "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year"


From Pantera Polnocy on Dec 1, "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Yes - to you, too. Filmed in:

Friday, December 13, 2024

Getting Ready For Christmas

Christmas is well on it's way, and my SL wifey Charlee has been busy decorating our home for the winter. So here are a few pictures. 

She put up plenty of cute decorations.

Merry Christmas from the Shuftan household.

Bixyl, and Charlee, Shuftan

Happy Friday the 13th

 Happy Friday the 13th. Hope yours is a lucky one, and one of suspense and good natured jokes instead of actual bad luck and of black cats crossing your path. 

By Bixyl Shuftan

This Saturday at The Science Circle

Saturday December 14
    At 10 AM PST   

    SC Field Trip: Virtual Worlds Education Consortium
    By Meryl McBride
    VWEC Eduverse (188/145/31)
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, December 12, 2024

New Winter-Themed Last Names

For those looking for a new last name to change to, especially something winter or Christmas-themed, good news. A few days ago on the official blog, Linden Lab announced a list of new last names one can change to, for a fee.
 To celebrate the winter holiday season, we have released some festive new last names!
 The list of names are: Candyclaws, Merry, Frostlake, Candlewick, Prancer, Silverbells, Mistlefluff, Alegria, Befana, and Hollyberry.  
The Lab says the names "are only available for a limited time," but "are seasonal and may come back around this time next year."
Most residents will need to pay a $49.99 US dollar fee to change their last names, with Premium needing $34.99, and Premium Plus $14.99 respectively, with the answer to other questions in the FAQ.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Land Of Sleeping Giants

Gemma Cleanslate took a short break from her Christmas store explorations to check out a place done by artist AmandaT Tamatzui: the "Land of Sleeping Giants." Besides some noteworthy scenery, there were also activities. She would also take a moment to hop on over to the Christmas Expo to get a picture of Santa Patch, or try to.
Read Gemma's article in Places

Linden Lab Announces Winter Wonderland Open, Snowflake Hunt


On the official blog a few days ago, Linden Lab announced their Winter Wonderland area was now open. This seasonal region has places to have fun, such as the skating rink, a sledding and skiing run, and the arena, which is the scene of the twice a year Linden Snowball Fights. You can get there through Portal Park, or just head right in: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Winter%20Wonderland%204/182/79/46

This year, there's something new: The Snowflake Hunt.

The Snowflake Hunt is an exciting activity within the Winter Wonderland regions! This hunt is all about tracking down snowflakes scattered throughout the frosty landscape to win exclusive prizes.

Collect all the snowflakes to claim limited-edition 2024 Boopies! These adorable and festive collectibles are only available during this event, making them the perfect winter keepsake.

To get in on the fun, pick up the Snowflake Hunt HUD while in the Winter Wonderland. One then goes around collecting snowflakes.

More on winter activities by the Lab later. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, Furry Fashion, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: TBA

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: DJ Snowy
Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: DJ Snowy

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, DJ Juana, TBA, Breakfast Show, TBA, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:  Silver and Blue, Celtic, Space, Wings, TBA
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Monday, December 9, 2024

The Holidays of Hope Gala


 Sunday December 8 was the last day of the Christmas Expo. Among the events was what could be described as the finale: the Holidays of Hope Gala. A number of avatars large and small dropped over, including two who were normally large dragons who went average size for the dance.

Musicians such as Coralie and Grace Loudon performed for the crowd, who danced away to the music while occasionally dropping in some Lindens into the donation kiosk.

There were other things to do, such as taking a ride on the railroad.

And one could check out the decorated houses. Here, One of the Moles demonstrated a need for practice in parking.

Some of the houses were decorated very colorfully.

With the end of the Expo, there will be no more entries in the auctions and contests, which will presumably announce winners soon, if they haven't already. It is noteable that in the past few years, Linden Lab has used the Expo to introduce a new brand of Linden Home. But this was not the case this year. Perhaps the Lindens are still brainstorming over a unique theme, or perhaps they've been busy fixing bugs.

The Expo is the last of the Relay's spinoff events for the year. But Relayers won't have to wait too long. In about a couple months in February, the official 2025 RFL season will begin.

Go Relay!

Bixyl Shuftan