Thursday, March 20, 2025

EOTB: Linden Lab Launches Official Second Life Discord

Yesterday on Wednesday March 20, Linden Lab announced they had launched a server on Discord, their official one for Second Life users.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our official Second Life Discord Server! As a hub of community interactions and information exchange, this server is a vibrant space for all Second Lifers to connect, share, and learn together.  

Clicking on this link, ,  will take you to the SL Discord channel if you're already signed up for Steam. There was about one person or more signing up every minute much of the day and night, and as of the writing of this article there were hundreds signed up for it. There were various threads, from destinations to events, to scripting, and general subject matters. Drama, political and religious discussion, and hateful speech are prohibited, as well as what's considered excessive advertising and self=promotion.
To view the blog post in full, Click Here

 Bixyl Shuftan

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