6 hours ago
Saturday, August 31, 2019
SL Video: "Old Town Road"
(Click here if the video doesn't play)
From Poetic Senses on April 4, the SL adaptation of a song that remained number one in US listenership for weeks
Poetic Senses,
Second Life,
SL video,
Friday, August 30, 2019
Sunny Beach and The Gathering Oak
After a short break, Penny (Deaflegacy Resident) is back doing articles. For her most recent story, she was invited to the Sunny Beach sim in the Sunweaver Estates. The place is run by Erik Mouse with a little help from Becky "Sha" Shamen. So what goes on here? Penny was able to find out some details.
Read Penny's article in Places.
Becky Shamen,
Erik Mouse,
Gathering Oak,
Second Life,
Sunny Beach,
Sunweaver Estates,
Linden Lab Announces Bakes on Mesh Feature is Live
Earlier this week, Linden Lab announced on their blog the release of a new feature for the Second Life viewer: "Bakes on Mesh."
In short, Bakes On Mesh
is a feature that allows you to apply a server baked texture to a mesh
attachment, similar to the way that standard system avatars currently
work. Using this feature, you’ll be able to apply several texture layers
to customize skin, tattoos, clothing, etc on your mesh object as a
single server baked texture without the need for multiple transparent
The major features of Bakes on Mesh were described as:
Any face of a mesh object can be textured using any of the server baked textures.
The corresponding region of the system avatar is hidden if any attached mesh is using a baked texture.
New texture bake channels have been introduced to give more control over how meshes get textured.
A new “universal wearable” is now provided with support for the new texture channels.
The potential benefits of Bakes on Mesh are avoiding the need for appliers, avoiding the need for different layers and therefore needing fewer meshes and fewer textures to display, and allowing the customization of any mesh set to the system by "simply equipping the appropriate wearables, without needing to modify the mesh itself."
There's a new "Bakes on Mesh" channel of threads in the official forums, where people can ask questions, or get some answered. Inara Pey has written an introduction and overview of the new feature. The Slink avatar brand has a FAQ page about "BOM," as some are starting to call it. They have also announced they've been updating their avatars for it as well.
The Slink body parts system has undergone a MAJOR update for Bakes on Mesh. We have gone back to the drawing board on many features and redesigned the whole thing from the ground up. We have streamlined the geometry and texture usage, and removed as much unnecessary overhead as possible. This includes extra onion skin layers that were no longer necessary, and the script system and HUD have been completely redesigned to take full advantage of this opportunity. The end result is that the user experience is easier, cleaner and lower avatar rendering cost, especially in the body bundle packages.
Also the Black Dragon Viewer (and presumably Firestorm) are making BOM updates. Hamlet Au quoted Black Dragon creator NiranV as saying BOM was a much needed feature that would help greatly with avatar complexity and the lag that goes with it, an issue he previously talked about as some avatars have been getting very resource-demanding, "Bakes on Mesh idea is nice and it's a much needed thing, especially with onion layers. This could potentially reduce texture memory usage by up to 75%, and polygon counts too."
But just how fast and how much residents will demand Bakes on Mesh enabled products, and how many and how fast avatar designers update remains to be seen. On older viewers that don't have the feature, what is seen is basically a mess of textures that don't make any sense. As Niran stated bluntly, "BOM doesn't mean jack ... if the creators don't swap for it since the user can't, because all the ... human (avatar) trash content is no-mod."
Sources: Linden Blog, Slink, Modem World, New World Notes
Bixyl Shuftan
Bakes On Mesh,
Bixyl Shuftan,
Linden Lab,
Second Life,
Announcement: Science Circle Benefit Concert
Science Circle Benefit Concert
Sunday September 1
7AM to 8AM SL time
The Science Circle (61,127,32)
For more information, Click Here
Science Circle,
Second Life,
Do You Have a Story?
On occasion, Second Life Newser will print an article or picture submitted to us by one of you, the readers.
Have you seen a particularly well-detailed sim? Went to a great event? Found yourself in a hilarious "only in SL" predicament? We're very interested in what you the readers have to say. Send us a story or funny picture, and if we like it, we'll post it as a Reader Submitted. For pictures, jpg format is preferred.
Mail submissions to bixylshuftan(at)gmail.com.
PLEASE include your SL user name and tell us if you wish it to appear with your story.
SL-Newser reserves the right to post in the appropriate section, edit, and to investigate any names used in submitted stories (please ask permission before using anyones name or picture or use an alias for them).
Reader Submitted,
Second Life,
SL Newser,
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Press Release: The Ian's Realm Saga Audiobook
Amehana Ishtari (Teresa Garcia) Second Life Fantasy Author and Trotsdale Library Narrator has Narration on Audible.com
Somewhere around two years ago Amehana Ishtari (Arashi) AKA in real-life Teresa Garcia began narrating and recording "The Ian's Realm Saga Trilogy: Book 1" for fantasy author, artist, & screen writer D.L. Gardner. Books One through Three released on August 27 2019 on Gumroad for direct purchase and download. They had been available for pre-order and released shortly after each audiobook sub-project was ready and approved. Once all three parts were finished and ready they there then ported to other retailers via FindAWay Voices by D.L. Gardner herself.
The pair, both female fantasy authors and artists, met via Facebook through author circles. Amehana does not remember exactly how nor which of the various groups. Teresa noticed that Mrs. Gardner needed a narrator and offered her services, as at the time fellow narrator and Trotsdale Librarian Illya Leonov was too busy to mention the project to... and she needed the work herself to help support her family.
The trilogy book follows the story of Ian Wilson, a teenager who becomes sucked into a world of magic and danger with his father through a portal within their computer. The tale blends science fiction and fantasy genres seamlessly. Prophecy has foretold the pair arriving through a window to forever rid The Realm of the evil dragon and its sorcery. The overall tale continues beyond the first three books to cover various side stories that together will tell the full fate of a land and a lad.
The Ian's Realm Saga is the winner of the Book Excellence Award for a series 2019. The book has also been turned into a proof of concept short film with FireRing Productions that has been circulating various film festivals around the world and won several awards and nominations. The intent is to have the book series become a movie.
Mrs. Gardner will continue working on the Ian's Realm books and prospective movie. Amehana (Teresa) plans to continue with the Trotsdale Library as well as return to working on the second book of her "Selkies' Skins" and the "Mythical Minstrelsy" series (and other books) along with running her Flash Fiction Fridays podcast and any illustration or narration that comes to her via her publishing company or freelancing channels.
Pick up your copy of the Audiobook at-
Gumroad Storefront: http://www.gumroad.com/dlgardner
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Ians-Realm-Saga-Trilogy-Book/dp/B07TSLC4M9
Film Info: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8421702/
-Follow Author D.L. Gardner-
Website: https://www.gardnersart.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DianneLynnGardner/
Ian's Realm Saga FB: https://www.facebook.com/IansRealm/
Amazon Author: https://www.amazon.com/D.L.-Gardner/e/B01G7AKQ28
-Follow Narrator Teresa Garcia (Amehana Ishtari/Arashi)-
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Teresa.L.H.Garcia/
Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/Teresa-Garcia/e/B009Q938VE
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Amehana
Deviant Art: http://www.deviantart.com/amehanarainstardrago
Amehana Ishtari,
Ian's Realm,
Press Release,
Teresa Garcia
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Veterans Benefit Raises 170,000 Lindens
On Sunday August 25, Veterans Isle had their monthly benefit concert. The event was to raise money for the Homes For Our Troops charity. The event was organized in part by Frets Nirvana.
The event was to start at 4PM, but was delayed briefly due to technical difficulties. Dropping by at 6:15, already over 82,000 Linden dollars had been raised in the two house-shaped kiosks on either side of the stage. Guitarist Paul Nowles was performing for a cheering crown, and Frets would occasional contribute to the total, "83k now folks .... 7k more and I put in 5k. ... if you are tapped out, try calling on those friends to help. If (they) can't come, have them you a donation to put in!" Hostess G J (GJackie Winkler) encouraged people to donate, "big hugs for your donation to HFOTs, thank you."
Dahlea Milena told the crowd "Folks, it you're wondering why Homes For Our Troops is so important, imagine trying to use your hands to move your body in a wheelchair through a home, through doors too tight, looking at stairs you can't climb any more, reaching up for stuff you can't reach in cabinets, trying to safely cook on a stove top just about eye level, getting in and out of tubs or showers safely. That's my real life folks, as a disabled veteran. This is why Homes For Our Troops is so important, severely disabled war veterans coming home injured, broken, and needing safe homes, places they can have control of their abilities to care for themselves and their families. I don't ask for myself, I ask for my brother and sister veterans and their families. Please, if able, fill those kiosks up, bring friends, thank you."

The monthly event at Veterans Isle is usually scheduled on the last Sunday of each month, though occasionally is moved to Saturday or the Sunday before due to holidays or other reasons.
To learn more about Homes for Our Troops visit https://www.hfotusa.org.
Bixyl Shuftan
Dahlea Milena,
Frets Nirvana,
Homes For Our Troops,
live performances,
Second Life,
RFL Announcements: Stingray's New Look And The 2020 Season Logo
It was announced in the Relay for Life Volunteers group that Stingray Raymaker had a new look.
After a swat team of many avatars spent more than 15 days on his makeover, we are proud to introduce you to the new and improved, all-mesh, Stingray9798 Raymaker.
And last, but not least, Sting is sporting a mesh shirt with the 2020 RFL of SL season logo, courtesy of Marina Sharpshire.

Also, the logo for next year is done, also courtesy of Marina.
We are excited that Marina, a professional graphic design artist, donated her services to create our official “Game On, Cancer!” logo.
Thank you Marina.
Source: Second Life ACS Information
game on,
Marina Sharpshire,
Relay for Life,
Second Life,
Stingray Raymaker
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs and Furry Fashion Lounge
Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, the Montecito Bay clubs, and the Furry Fashion Lounge
Cutlass: Best in 'I' and 'J', Denim Day, Shiny Clothes
The Happy Vixen: Fur and Scales, Topless, TBA, Fire and Ice, Cats and Dogs, Star Trek, Scary and Sexy, Angels and Demons, Ears and Tails, TBA
Club Zero Gravity: TBA
Montecito Bay: TBA
Furry Fashion Lounge: CAYA, Black and White, Fantasy, Beach, Elements, Cyber , Nocturnals, Late Night, Purple, Fur vs Scales, Red
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'.
"Lab Gab" Live Streaming Show Debuts Tomorrow
Good news for fans of Xiola and Strawberry Linden (formerly Strawberry Singh). Xiola announced on the official Second Life blog that she and Strawberry will be co-hosting a live-streamed show, "Lab Gab." Their first episode is tomorrow, August 28, 2019 at 3PM SL time. Further episodes are planned "every two weeks or so."
We’re excited to announce our very first live-streaming show - “Lab Gab” with Xiola and Strawberry Linden. We’ll be coming to you live on YouTube every two weeks or so, starting Wednesday, August 28th at 3 pm SLT/PT. You can join us for these live streams on our Official YouTube Channel here when we go live! (We’re working on bringing Lab Gab to more streaming platforms in the very near future - so stay tuned!)
What’s Lab Gab? Well, it will be a variety show of sorts - we want to explore Second Life, answer your questions, talk to Residents from all over the world, and stream it through the internet and into your homes, phones, and wherever you get your quality entertainment.
In our first show, we’ll be introducing ourselves, talking a little bit about what Lab Gab is, and interacting with you through YouTube live. In the future, we will invite special guests to come visit us on the set and talk about events and issues that impact the communities in Second Life.
As Xiola stated, the first episode is basically an introduction. What will further shows "gab" about? Will the show last longer than "Lab Chat" a few years ago? Time will tell.
Source: Linden Blog
Lab Gab,
Linden Lab,
live show,
Second Life,
Strawberry Linden,
Strawberry Singh,
Xiola Linden
Monday, August 26, 2019
Innfest 2019, The Lovecraft Festival
Even if you haven't heard of horror writer H. P. Lovecraft, you've probably heard of one or more of his characters and/or pictures and games inspired by him, such as Cthulhu. On August 20, the author's birthday, the Lovecraft festival began at the sim of Innsmouth. From shopping, to music events, to exploring the strange and scary, the event and the areas it takes place on has a few things to offer.
Read the story in Events.
Bixyl Shuftan,
Second Life,
A New Computer
It's probably as inevitable as death and taxes to any Second Life user. Eventually your computer is no longer able to handle going about the Grid as well as it used to, or it breaks beyond repair. So this means getting a new machine. Yours truly just had to make this decision for the third time recently. So what happened and what computer is now being used to update the Newser?
Read the story in Extra.
Weekend in Review
Quite a few things happened this weekend. Regrettably, the closing of the Derpyland sim was one of the happenings. But there were also a couple events. The Homes For Our Troops benefit concert took place in Veterans Isle. Also, there was the annual Lovecraft festival, the Innfest, at Innsmouth (17/34/1201), which is still going on for a couple more days.
More on these, and other goings-on, later.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Derpyland Closes
Some sad news for pony fans. The Derpyland sim has closed down. It went offline sometime today, Saturday August 24 being the last full day it was online.
Talking to Amehana Arashi, she told me the sim owner has been having money troubles for some time, and last month the tier had been paid for him by a friend. "We had tried in private to help him find ways to keep it up," she explained, saying nostalgia was the big reason the sim remained up for as long as it has, "... but this just couldn't continue." She did say there was an offer made to rebuild part of the sim in Trotsdale.
Derpyland was up for about eight years, and boasted an amusement park with rides, shops, and a club with a karaoke bar. The latter had events up to a couple nights ago. Ironically, checking out the sim last night, the roller coaster was on fire as if an omen about the sim's future.
While there are some pony sims left, the end of Derpyland means no others are next to Trotsdale.
In real life media, this is the last year the "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" cartoon has a new season, the show coming to an end after nine seasons.
Addition: Amehana has requested that any inquiries as to if Derpyland will be renting the parcels offered in Trotsdale go to Shippo849 Resident (Dashy), "It's in Shippo's hands to decide to accept the offer or not."
Bixyl Shuftan
Amehana Arashi,
My Little Pony,
Second Life,
sim closing,
Reader Submitted: Avatar Maehem
From SynodaMae Sonnenkern (Miss Maehem). What could have caused this avatar to go so googly-eyed? Amethyst Crystal in Furry Fashion chat suggested "Mate or prey spotted? Or watching for (the) pizza delivery guy?"
Announcement: This Week at the Seanchai Libraries
Our friends at Innsmouth (H.P. Lovecraft inspired) are celebrating 10 years in Second Life, and that's no mean feat! We join them for the festivities, as well as sharing other adventures this week - not all of which involve screaming. It's another week of stories LIVE in #secondlife, and on our properties in #kitely, live in voice.
Check out the stories and the storytellers at www.seanchailibrary.com
All stories told in open voice unless otherwise noted. All times SL/PT
All stories told in open voice unless otherwise noted. All times SL/PT
*SUNDAY, August 25th, at 1pm (90 min): CELEBRATING INNSMOUTH'S 10th ANNIVERSARY. We stop by to celebrate with our friends at Innsmouth - wishing them a happy decade anniversary with selected short stories, live on Stream from the Miskatonic University Library at Arkham. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/32/50/1202
*MONDAY, August 26th, at 7pm: Arthur C. Clarke's RENDEZVOUS WITH RAMA continues with Gyro Muggins.
*TUESDAY, August 27th, at 7pm: Ian Fleming's CHITTY CHITTY, BANG BANG continues with Caledonia Skytower, live on stream.
*WEDNESDAY, August 21st at 7pm: DARK - No Story
*THURSDAY, August 29th, at 7pm: Joanne M. Harris' (author of 'Chocolat') THE BLUE SALT ROAD - Part 3 with Shandon Loring (Also in Kitely! Find teleport from the main Seanchai World grid.kitely.com:8002:SEANCHAI)
Seanchai Libraries,
Second Life,
Saturday, August 24, 2019
It hasn't been an easy week for me. Someone I was close to in real life passed away a week ago, which left me pondering much how he meant to me over the years. While the subject of what I write about confused him sometimes, he did appreciate me (and others on the team) writing about the Relay for Life and veterans' charities, as well as 9/11 remembrances.
To those whom were there for me with words of support, or even just listening, thank you.
Bixyl Shuftan
Bixyl Shuftan,
passed away,
real life,
thank you
Friday, August 23, 2019
Announcement: Where is Springstar Drinkwater?
Angel Scarborough is worried about Springstar Drinkwater as she has not been able to reach him inside or outside of Second Life in almost two years.
Springstar is part of Angel and Akea's Second Life family. As most of you know, Akea passed in October 2018 and Angel is becoming concerned that something has happened to Springstar also. She would greatly appreciate it if anyone who is in contact with him could let her know his status.
Dusk Griswold
Update on Bellisseria For Mid-August 2019

Since then, the work on Bellisseria continues. More of the continent's southeast landmass has been built, and a second "pickle" island has been added off the coast to the southeast, to go with the "squishy pickle" to the northeast.
And as the land has been developed, the roads, piers, and Linden Homes aren't too far behind. The land ones initially appear as green shapes, then take familiar form with green fields around them and orange squares on top. There's also what looks like coding over the homes, both the land homes and houseboats.
When someone asked on the forums how long does it take the Lab to make the homes, Quartz Linden answered:

... everything we put out on a region is made and scripted by LDPW Moles, and those of us who work primarily in content creation for Bellissaria rather than setting up the regions are already well advanced into creating items for future themes.

Daniel Voyager predicted the continent's land would be completed before Spring 2020. He very well may be right. We'll report more on the continent as things develop.
Last picture from Bellisserians Discord channel
Bixyl Shuftan
Note: I tried getting a good picture of the map showing Bellisseria in relation to nearby continents. But something kept the sims from view when smaller than shown on the picture, and even then many of the sims would vanish after a few seconds.
Linden Homes,
Quartz Linden,
Second Life,
Announcement: New Items Added to Sunweaver Mall
Sunnies: I have added two new vendors to the Sunweaver Mall, on Space. One is filled with some really nice military vehicles and aircraft. The second one is filled with enough firearms to make any NRA member smile and blush with glee. Be sure to check them out. The stuff is from Blue Works Studio and bunny gets a cut if you buy from the vendors. *hint * hint
Rita Mariner
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Reader Submitted: Burgertime
From Spooked Dreamscape during Club Cutlass' "Best in H" party. Looks like Zorro wanted to look pretty "beefy" for the party.
Press Release: Homes For Our Troops Benefit This Sunday
Frets Nirvana and US Military Veterans Group announce 2019’s August benefit for Homes For Our Troops in Second Life!
Frets Nirvana, the premier guitar artist in the virtual world Second Life and the US Military Veterans Group announce the 2019 August benefit in Second Life for the Veterans Support Organization Home For Our Troops.
Frets Nirvana states: “HFOT is a privately funded 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization building specially adapted, mortgage-free homes nationwide for the most severely injured Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of these Veterans are multiple amputees, paraplegic, quadriplegic or suffered severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Since its inception in 2004, over 90 cents of every dollar spent by Homes for Our Troop has gone to directly support Veterans. DURING THAT TIME HFOT HAS BUILT OVER 274 SPECIALLY ADAPTED HOMES NATIONWIDE FOR WOUNDED VETERANS.”
In 2018 the community in Second Life sent over $13,000 to Homes For Our Troops, thanks to may kind hearts and great Second Life performers. HFOT built 34 homes for extremely wounded veterans in 2018. We hope to help them exceed that in 2019!
Home for Our Troops benefit concerts feature premier Second Life talent monthly at Veteran’s Isle. The concert on August 25, 2019 is scheduled from 4pm to 9 PM PST. Featured artists will be DJ Waya Snowpaw, Toxie Darkmatter, Paul Nowles, Arra and Hogan Baily.
Sponsored by Frets Nirvana and the U.S. Military Veteran’s Group of Second Life. To learn more about Homes for Our Troops visit https://www.hfotusa.org.
Frets Nirvana,
Homes For Our Troops,
live performances,
Press Release,
Second Life,
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Second Life Regional Search And Rescue
Suppose there was a great emergency, would you know what to do? Not a little emergency like your engine not starting, but a big emergency like a train wreck or a major fire on a ship? The Second Life Regional Search and Rescue does frequent first responder roleplay exercises. Gemma Cleanslate was recently able to witness one such exercise.
Read Gemma's story in Extra.
Rust After Five Years
It's been over five years since the Newser first reported on the survival multiplayer game Rust. It became one of the more noted games of the genre, with it's starting off with just a rock to get everything you have afterwards, and it's sometimes notorious PvP action. Although Rust left "early access" a year and a half ago, there have still been some changes. In this article, yours truly briefly goes over the basics, but most of the article is about what has changed since our last article on the game.
Read the story in Other Grids, MMOs, and Games.
Bixyl Shuftan,
Other Grids MMOs and Games,
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs and Furry Fashion Lounge
Cutlass: Best in 'H', Pink For Fimi, Dogs and Cats
The Happy Vixen: Dragons, Down On The Farm, TBA, Back to School, Horse and Pony, Around The World, Squirrels and Skunks, Fishnet, TBA
Club Zero Gravity: TBA
Montecito Bay: TBA
Furry Fashion Lounge: Wings, Rainbows, Wild West, Spots vs Stripes, Nocturnal, Demos, Late Night, Noobs vs Trolls, Horns and Hooves, Scales and Fins
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'.
Hair Fair 2019
The Hair Fair is back in Second Life. On Saturday August 17, the fundraiser began as the six sims were open, three of them full of shopping areas full of hairpieces for men and women avatars. The event is to raise funds for the "Wigs for Kids" charity.

There is a Demo group where you can try the styles at home before venturing to the event. secondlife:///app/group/2e30d166-f3e5-e2de-ff72-b3da2d06ded2/about copy paste to chat to join
This year as well as hairstylists we have a selection of accessory creators that have also made items to adorn your hair purchases. It is a wonderful combination of items for the hair enthusiasts of SL.
So come and do your part to help those that are giving so generously of their time, and creativity to this cause and to further show Second Life what a wonderful community of creators they are.
Getting to the area, the three sims with shopping areas were packed. Fortunately, there are three "cam sim" just north of them. People can look at the selection from the sims while they can't enter, or just simply look from afar before going in.
As the announcement states, the Hair Fair has a variety of hairpieces. This includes Bento animated hair that is advertised to move with the wearer, and hair that can be adjusted for head and breast sizes. Some hair was for ethnic avatars. While a few kiosks advertised their product as 100% of the money going to charity, 15% to 25% was a more common amount.
Wigs for Kids is a charity that "for over thirty years ... has been providing Hair Replacement Systems and support for children who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy, radiation therapy, ... burns and other medical issues at no cost to children or their families."
The event is scheduled to go on until September 1
For more on the Hair Fair, check out their blog at https://hairfair.wordpress.com/ .
Hair Fair - Noirette (102/212/26)
Hair Fair - Streaks (102/34/23) (cam sim)
Bixyl Shuftan
Bixyl Shuftan,
Hair Fair,
Second Life,
Monday, August 19, 2019
SL: Second Look
"SL: Second Look" is a unique event
for sculptors and 3D artists. Artists will have a 31 days period of time, from Midnight of 14 August to 23:59:59 on 14 September (all times SLT). Artists may
rez up to 100 Land Impact worth of parts, components, bits, etc. in a
moderately-sized area.
What's the catch?
Aside from working in Blender, PhotoShop, GiMP
or other programs, all of the building of the sculpture must be done inside the
artist’s area.
And it is open for the public to watch them
work, chat with artists, critique and ask questions, etc.! This is designed to
be a fully-interactive (in terms of communication) race against the clock to
come up with a wholly-original three-dimensional piece of art. Artists are
encouraged to leave parts and components and bits out overnight, over several
nights, over the four weeks.
What matters is the interactive aspects.
That's why it is SL: Second Look -- people can
look at and observe and interact with the process of creating art, and then get
a second look at the finished (or mostly finished) work!
Who are the artists involved in SL: Second
"SL: Second Look" is a
fully-interactive and unique event for you to watch, chat with, critique, ask
qquestions and even (within reason) pester four sculptors and 3D artists:
1. Rage Darkstone
2. Proton d-oo-b
3. Isabelle Fisher
4. Marcel Mosswood
as they create a brand-new 3D work.
Any question? Contact Annie Scott-Siegel or
Nils Urqhart.
By Marcel Mosswood
art show,
Marcel Mosswood,
Second Life,
Second Look,
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