Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass:TBA

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Cyber

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Bunnies and Mice

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:  Halloween Week - Horror, Creepy VS Cute, Horns, Monsters, Orange and Black
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

It Came From Fantasy Faire Chat: Halloween Decorating

A few days ago in Second Life, chatter started up in the Fantasy Faire group. Topics went to someone playing hide and seek with his pet snow leopard, "he's not very good at hide-and-seek, but I pretend I can't find him sometimes." Then eventually Milisandre Sarleon (Milisandre Resident)
then eventually talked about her pet "helping me spook the place up a bit for Halloween." It was quickly complimented, "That looks delightfully cozy." "Wow!" Milisandre thanked them, "Thank you. I made a couple modifications to it from stock, like redoing the interior surfaces to a cleaner stucco, and adding an upper floor and mezzanine reading spot; outside vines and trellis etc."

Delain (Delain Canucci): would add, "finished up my place too and is ready for Halloween. "That's amazing!" "Thank you *smile* It's open for public so if anyone wants to visit let me know, I toss the LM" She would later give the SURL, which was for a house in Color Alchemists.

What Halloween houses have you the readers seen? Feel free to mention some in the comments?

Monday, October 21, 2024

"A Child’s Journey Through Cancer: The Musical"

The "I Pink I Can" fundraiser to help raise money to combat breast cancer is over. While it took place, there were a number of events. Among them was a stage play done by Patty Flow with the help of a number of other Relayers: "A Child's Journey Through Cancer: The Musical." Yours truly attended. So how did it go?

Read the story in Events.

A Busy Weekend

 Quite a lot was happening this weekend. One event was the annual Burn2 art and music festival, Second Life's reflection of the real-life Burning Man event. It's taking place in a dozen sims around Burning Man - Deep Hole.

At the Bellisseria Fairgrounds, there was the "Hammieween" event, hosted by the Bellissarian hamsters, aka the "Bell Hammies."

Next to the American Cancer Society sim, I Pink I Can came to a close. But Outshop Cancer is still going on. Besides the shopping, there are occasional music events.

More on these, and other, happenings later. 

Bixyl Shuftan

Announcement: Vampire Ball At New Toulhouse


The Vampire Ball
With DJ Hollocluck Henley
October 26 at 12 Noon
At the Green-Eyed Fairy

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Skeleton Blues

 Taken while shopping. Some shoppers were dressed for Halloween, including this guy in a skeleton, a blue skeleton. So why was he blue, I could think of one reason, and another some would think.

By Bixyl Shuftan


Saturday, October 19, 2024

SL Video: "A Swim Thru Dream, A Beautiful Halloween Sim"


By Dana Enyo on October 17, "This is not an underwater space, but I felt totally natural swimming through it. Visit by going HERE and following the easy instructions at the portal:" 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Burn2 Starts Today

 Halloween may be the big thing in Second Life in October. But there's also one more huge event: The Burn2 art and music festival. This is the virtual version of the real-life Burning Man festival that takes place every year in Black Rock Nevada several weeks earlier.

From today to Sunday October 27, there will be music parties and other events across 12 sims. And there are numerous art exhibits. Eleven of the sims are temporary ones, Burning Man - Deep Hole being the permanent one.

from Gemma Cleanslate

There's been some confusion over the schedule due to a data leak, but one can pick up details at information centers, such as the one at Burning Man-Deep Hole (116/172/25).

Two events that are sure to happen are the Burning of the Man on Saturday October 26 and the Temple Burn on October 27. The temporary sims will be up for a few days after the official close, so some exhibits can be seen afterwards. But there's no guarantee on how many artists will keep theirs up after the close. 
In the meantime, enjoy the art and music.

Bixyl Shuftan

This Saturday at The Science Circle

Saturday October 19

    At 10 AM PST   

    Forum: TBD
    Nymfs Forum
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, October 17, 2024

It Came From Bellisseria Chat: Halloween Decor

 While browsing through Bellisseria chat, I happened to notice this bit related to Halloween decorating.

Alyara Arcana: I don't know whose this Stilt is but I LOVED the pumpkin on the roof and thought to post it :)) https://gyazo.com/5a6a2fb7aa82bd7a1baddec824a3d7ba
Sandra Kringle: huge one
Alyara Arcana: imagine how much pumpkin soup one could make ....
Sandra Kringle: You will eat from this Halloween until next
Alyara Arcana: chuckles :))

There was also this, "Check out this *EEP I spotted and yep it's animated. https://prnt.sc/5GttQxsYGnCR"

 And there was this, "ღڰۣ BUTTERCUPÚ°ۣ-ღ (Kennedy Fairlane): FREE Halloween Animated Bubbling Mugs with on/off bubbling sounds to carry around & sip on while Trick or Treating! Collect all 3! Come get yours when you come to get your candy! Just Touch The Ghost when you arrive.
@ Bryn Tawel (125,41,35)"

A few examples of Halloween funnery in the Linden Home continent

Bixyl Shuftan

Second Life Book Club to End.

After some years, the Second Life Book Club, hosted by Draxtor Despres, will be coming to a close. Last night, Draxtor announced the news.  The final show will be November 9 at 3PM SL time.
 Alright folks, most everybody should know by now but the SL Book Club is closing its doors. I HOPE LL will not take down the 4 islands, fingers crossed. One last hang is the GRAND FINALE on 11/09 = https://youtube.com/live/adWq3kTmtbA = keep an eye on the blog as well https://draxtor.substack.com/ + the group will be changed to DRAX DOCUMENTARY NEWS soonish
In group chat, Draxtor would go on say the reason for no longer hosting the show was economic. He simply couldn't go on doing so for free, not just upkeep for the sims, but time and money helping the authors prepare for the show, including thousands of Lindens for custom avatars, now that he was no longer being supported by Linden Lab. 
But this wasn't the end of Draxtor's endevors. He would go back to doing documentaries about Second Life.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Breakdance Fail

 Taken at a music event at Outshop Cancer. One guy was breakdancing. But I couldn't help but wonder that in years to come, in real life a guy wouldn't find it so easy after a while.
By Bixyl Shuftan

A Visit To The Odd Ball


 Last week, I dropped by a longtime unique and "only in Second Life" show, the "Odd Ball." Organized by Tuna Oddfellow, these events involve partying in the middle of an animated light show, resembling the inside of a kaleidoscope. The event was inspired by Tuna's appearance in "Second Life's Got Talent" in 2007, appearing soon after. 

While there have been pauses over time, the Odd Ball continues to this day. To see a little of what it looked like in the past check out this video from 2009 (link). 

 There was a surprise this time. I've always known Tuna in his pale skinned look. But this time, he was sporting a melanistic one. He would explain to me that since going mesh, he's been alternating between light and dark
The music for this event was done by AthenablueDJ.

One can get notice of Odd Ball events by getting on Tuna's list.

"Still odd after all these years."

Addition: Tuna would message me, thanking me for the article and saying Athena performs every Sunday at 11 AM, "I have learned to create visuals and perform music at the same time. What you were hearing was a live ambient electronic music concert. I have been a musician for many years it's just recently become possible to fuse the two artforms for me. It was also my 7000th day in SL."

Bixyl Shuftan

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: 60's Night, Back in the Barnyard, Winged Fantasies

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: TBA

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: TBA

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:  Goth, Blue & Purple, Hybrids, Beach, Ferals
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Monday, October 14, 2024

Alexa Linden Leaving Linden Lab

The Lindens don't usually announce when someone is leaving Linden Lab these days. But someone who's been a reliable source informed the Newser that Alexa Linden has been laid off by Linden Lab. She gave the news on her Twitter/X account on October 9.
Thank you all for the last 17 years! I guess I'm gone! I love you all! (broken heart picture)

Her post was followed by numerous well-wishers, expressing sadness, and some confusion. "What are LL thinking?" "WTF?" "This might legit be one of their worst moves yet." "That makes no sense." To add to the confusion, her message briefly disappeared, leaving new readers to see only responses. She would add that other Lindens had been dismissed, and say, "I guess I cared too much and was too vocal. I don't regret standing up for the product, or the residents."

Alexa Linden joined the Lab in 2009, and has been in a number of events, such as the old "Kiss A Linden," "Bid the Lindens Bald," a Madpea charity event to raise money for a school in Kenya, and others. She's also been credited as coming up with the idea of "Dog Food Day," which was to encourage Lindens to use Second Life more. 

A few days later, Alexa would leave this message:

Thank you all for your kind thoughts, comments, and well-wishes. Seventeen years is indeed a long time, and you're the reason I got up each day and logged in. Second Life was my world for twenty years, providing me with an incredible group of coworkers I now consider family. It introduced me to my husband and filled my days with laughter from your hilarious pumpkin JIRA jokes to the support in fixing my neckline or scripts. I have friends who have always been here for me. Every day was a new adventure.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Bless you Whirly, Jess, & Kyle

Know a company looking for a project manager with my background & passion? I'd love to explore the opportunity.

Be excellent to each other.

You are Second Life

Wherever you go from here, Alexa, we wish you well. 

Bixyl Shuftan



DATE: OCTOBER 10, 2024

WEBSITE: http://www.teamdiabetessl.org


We are pleased to announce the ninth season of Team Diabetes of Second Life! Team Diabetes of Second Life is an official and authorized team of The American Diabetes Association. The mission of Team Diabetes of Second Life is to raise awareness, tolerance, and funds for diabetes in the virtual world of Second Life. According to the World Health Organization (2016): 422 million adults in the world have diabetes and 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year.

The official Team Diabetes of Second Life’s season will take place from October 2024 to December 2024 , with the following events scheduled to take place:

9th Annual Scare Me Silly Event – October 11 to 31, 2024

9th Annual Red Hunt – November 1 to 30, 2024
1st Annual Art Bazaar - November 14 to 21, 2024

World Diabetes Party – November 14, 2024

9th Annual Winter Showcase & Winter Art Show – December 6 to 13, 2020

About The American Diabetes Association:

The American Diabetes Association’s mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. The American Diabetes Association leads the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fights for those affected by diabetes by funding research to prevent, cure, and manage diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association delivers services to hundreds of communities and provides objective and credible information and resources about diabetes.

Free resources are available in English and Spanish at http://www.diabetes.org and 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2382).

For More Information:

Team Diabetes of Second Life’s American Diabetes Association Page:


Team Diabetes of Second Life’s Website:



Sunday, October 13, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Ghost Dog

 Taken at the Shop and Hop. One lady had a ghost pet with her, presumably a dog. While there is the scare factor with any burglars, there is one other advantage to having one that comes to mind.

By Bixyl Shuftan


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Announcement: Second Friends for Life Party Tomorrow, Sunday October 13

Event: Friends Party by Second Friends for Life (SFFL)
Dress Code: Casual, G-rated attire
Audience: Open to all; newcomers encouraged to join  
Free gifts, prizes, and refreshments available. Join us for a fun day of music and friendship!
10:00 AM: DJ Zach (80s/90s & Hip-Hop)  

11:00 AM: WINTER (Live Acoustic Rock)  

2:00 PM: DJ Trick Rembrandt (Indie Rock)  

3:00 PM: Maximillion Kleene (Live Acoustic ROCK/POP)  

6:00 PM: DJ Roijito Feliz  (Music Mix)

7:00 PM: Agatha Nowles (POP & Yacht Rock)

Announcement: Pink Ribbon Ball Tomorrow, Sunday October 13


You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Pink Ribbon Ball for Strides!

Shopping begins Oct 11th
SL merchants have donated amazing items for some shopping pleasure!

Pink Ribbon Ball Oct 13th 2pm slt
Formal attire; any era

Upon arrival, please feel free to pick up resource information from ACS about breast cancer early detection and support.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Internet Archive "Wayback Machine" Hacked

For users of the Internet Archive, also called the "Wayback Machine," Thursday October 10 was an unpleasant surprise when users discovered the site was offline.  What happened was the website was hacked. When people logged on, instead of the normal page, they saw this message:

Have you ever felt like the Internet Archive runs on sticks and is constantly on the verge of suffering a catastrophic security breach? It just happened. See 31 million of you on HIBP!
Bleeping Computer would say, "The text 'HIBP' refers to the Have I Been Pwned data breach notification service created by Troy Hunt, with whom threat actors commonly share stolen data to be added to the service."
The nature of the hack seems to be in dispute. Some are calling it a Directed Denial of Service attack. Others are calling it a data breach that "stole a user authentication database containing 31 million unique records."
Forbes quoted a cybersecurity expert as saying, "“Hacking the past is usually technically impossible but this data breach is the closest we may ever come to it. ... The stolen dataset includes personal information but at least the stolen passwords are encrypted."
Forbes would also say "While the identity behind the data breach exposing 31 million users remains unclear, the pro-Palestinian hacktivist group Black Meta has claimed responsibility for the DDoS attacks that took down The Internet Archive." 

Bixyl Shuftan

This Saturday at The Science Circle

 Saturday October 12

    At 10 AM PST   

    Nobel Prizes in Science 2024 Roundup
    Organized by Stephen Gasior
    At the Auditorium
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Linden Lab Partially Reverses Gacha Ban, New Gachas Must Not Be Transferable

Linden Lab is changing it's policy on gachas. They're allowed again, but ...

Many residents will remember gachas, the popular items that were sold on machines dispensing one of a number of items at random and people buying them up, often to get rare items that could be traded or sold for quite a bit of cash. There were events based around them such as the twice a year Gacha Guild, and there were groups dedicated to trading and selling gachas. But as popular as they were, they also had plenty of critics, people complaining they had an addictive nature. And in August 2021, to the delight of their critics and to the shock and dismay of their fans, Linden Lab announced they were banning gachas "due to a changing regulatory climate."

On Tuesday October 10, Linden Lab announced they had updated their policy, saying they were lifting the "general prohibition" on them. But, there was a catch. People can set up gacha machines that gave out items like they did before the ban, BUT, unlike the goods before the ban, they can not be transferable. New gacha items can not be resold. 

In 2021, we implemented a general prohibition on gachas to align with global regulatory concerns. Starting October 7, 2024, we are lifting this prohibition. Residents can once again engage in gacha-based sales, but with a key new rule: gacha items, including the boxes or containers they come in, must not be transferable. This means that once you purchase a gacha item, it is yours and cannot be passed on to other users.

Linden Lab would go on to say breedables and games of skill were unaffected by this policy change, the latter as long as the prize was not transferable. They would also post an entry on the Second Life Wiki about the change (link). In the FAQ, they would state the reason they were doing a partial reversal was because "he latest changes in the legal climate related to gachas and loot boxes have given us an opportunity to lessen the formerly more restrictive policy."

In the forums, reaction was mixed.  Some were happy to have Gachas coming back. Others felt this was a disappointment, that allowing gachas back but not transferable was like allowing trading cards but banning the ability to trade them. And others felt any gacha was bad, transferable or not, as they were still addictive. One interesting comment was that this partial reversal of the ban "significantly harms the secondary resale economy."

So how does this affect the machines that resemble gachas but show what item is up for sale next, and the stores selling old gacha items. People in SL chat and the forums have been telling yours truly that this new policy doesn't affect them and they can continue as they have been, that the policies affect only gacha items created after the ban lift. 

To read the Lab's announcement in full, Click Here

Bixyl Shuftan

Reader Submitted: Mystery Flesh Pit


Welp... I just found the "Mystery Flesh Pit"... in Second Life. You can use the LM here to get to it. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Vigdorova/101/152/83
Let's see... Oh yea! It's an SCP... SCP-6713...
Oh wait! That's outdated info...

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Calas Galadhon has a special Halloween place to explore, Shadowfell. It is described as "beyond the dark forest, quarry and the beauty of its gardens and into the swamp." Gemma Cleanslate went there to explore for herself, and found quite a bit to see.
Read Gemma's article in Places

Reader Submitted: Backrooms


Welp! I found the.. 'Backrooms' in Secondlife at least.  You've got the typical yellow walled rooms. Then I found a bathroom. Then I found some TVs. Looks like it's also a WIP (Work In Progress) as more rooms will get added. The LM is here: maps.secondlife.com/Serena%20Cantari/99/224/1048

AND... to add, I found the 'Poolrooms' a level under there! But.. BE CAREFUL! The poolrooms area is very much a work in progress and has holes to the void! Again.. LM here: maps.secondlife.com/Serena%20Cantari/99/224/1048
DeniseUnicorn Toonie

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, Furry Fashion, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: Best in Blue, Good vs Evil, Spooky Stuff

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Furry and/or Dragons

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: TBA

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: TBA, DJ Juana, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, TBA, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:  Scalies, Cats and Rabbits, Monochrome, Rave, Canines
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Hurricane Milton Heading To Florida

 Just as the southeast US has yet to begin to recover from Hurricane Helene, which landed a little more than a week ago, there's another headed it's way: Hurricane Milton.  This powerful storm has rapidly intensified into a Category Five, and is headed to Florida, set to make landfall near the city of Tampa

The storm is set to make landfall early Thursday morning, with Hurricane warnings across much of the west coast of the Florida peninsula, and tropical storm warnings and watches as far north as Charleston South Carolina. It's pretty much certain central Florida will see numerous power outages and Internet disconnections, and there's a risk others not far away will be as well.

Source: weather.com

Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, October 7, 2024

So That's What You've Been Playing: Planet Crafter, Girl Genius, Palia

Besides Second Life, yours truly has been playing a few games. There's Planet Crafter in which instead of blowing things up, you're trying to make a world habitable for people. There's Girl Genius: Adventures in Castle Heterodyne, in which you take on the role of an online comic heroine. And there's Palia, one of the new "cozy MMOs," in which you win over the locals at a village as well as building a house to impress your fellow gamers.

Read the reviews in Other Grids, Games and MMOs.

SL Renaissance Festival Concludes, I Pink I Can Continues

This weekend was the conclusion of the Renaissance Festival in Second Life. Among the events in the sims south of American Cancer Society was at 1PM Saturday when Jaycatt and Frogg performed at the Minstrel Stage. At the event, Jaycatt had a limited edition pet dragon on his shoulder, which people could get for a small donation. 

Elsewhere at the Ren Fest, there were tournaments. I would witness a round of jousting. It was close, ending 5 to 4. 

And of course there was the shopping, at numerous stores. 

While the Ren Fest may be ending, "I Pink I Can" is still going on, in the sims north of American Cancer Society. On Sunday at 1PM was a stage play, "A Child’s Journey Through Cancer: The Musical." It would show "the story of a child’s journey through cancer told in music and dance. It takes us through the fear, joy and hope experienced in a cancer journey." It was done and directed by Patty Flow of "Roos With A Dream," with some of her teammates taking part, as well as other Relayers.
Both the Ren Fest and I Pink I Can raise money for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. 

More on I Pink I Can later. The event goes on to Sunday October 20.

Bixyl Shuftan


Announcement: Annual Halloween On Caledon Downs


You are invited to enjoy the fun of the annual "Halloween On Caledon Downs". Ride the Ghost Train, A scary ride along haunted rails of doom, along with the return of the Ghost Hunt and Pumpkin prizes. Open throughout the month of October and closing on the 31st with the annual Halloween dance in the Goblin Cave 6 to 8 PM SLT.

Ride the Ghost Train that runs through sights and sounds of horror and gore. Starting at the old depot the trains materializes at your touch of the coffin and it then precedes across the region and down into the darkness.

The Ghost Hunt is a region wide hunt for certain ghost that appears randomly for short periods of time that you shoot with any collision (prim firing) weapon. You can use any such weapon you have. There is no sign-up needed, the person and scoring is automatically recorded and the top four scores are displayed on a post in the Goblin Cave. Ghost Hunt has linden prizes of L$1500 first place, L$1000 second, L$500, and L$250 for fourth place. The hunting lodge" so speak is the Goblin Cave Community Center located in the southern hills of Caledon Downs. In there is located the information panels and the totals counter. The hunt will last till the end of the Halloween Dance at the Goblin Cave on Oct 31 at 8PM SLT then the winner of the bounties will be announced.

The Jack'o Lantern search is for 5 pumpkins deposited at certain locations about the region. Each Jack'o Lantern contains a prize delivered upon touching BUT mind you only touch once or well you'll get something scary! An example of the Jack'O lantern is displayed at the information board in the Goblin Cave. The information board will deliver the hints as to where these prize givers are. 

The starting point is the Goblin Cave Community Center there you can pick up the info and hints for both the Ghost Hunt and Jack'O Lantern search. Also you can enjoy the music and dance as well as games in the lower levels. Just take the spiral stairs down.  The region is completely open and filled with sights and games.

Have any questions contact Duchess Cynthia Farshore or Duke Shockwave Yareach.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Long Arm of The ...

 Picture from Winter Shuftan. A glitch gave her a longer arm, and I thought of one job it would come in handy.

By Bixyl Shuftan


Friday, October 4, 2024

EOTB: Linden Lab Shows Off Several Halloween Happenings

On the official blog yesterday, Linden Lab posted about several Halloween happenings in Second Life, "Immerse yourself in the spooky Halloween spirit within one of the most lively virtual communities in the metaverse!"

Among the goings on is the return of Bellisseria's Trick or Treat game. Get your HUD and candy bucket at Millbank (217/41/23), and go around Bellisseria looking for pumpkin-shaped candy buckets to grab treats out of, and get prizes for it.

Prepare to celebrate Halloween Belli style! Collect candy across Bellisseria this Halloween season and win prizes! This is an interactive event where residents living in Bellisseria can host Candy Buckets on their parcels and anyone (even residents not living in Bellisseria) can go all around Bellisseria Trick or Treating to collect candy. 
In the forums, Patch explained that this year's event was a little different, with small changes following reading some player feedback from last year, "We’ve reduced the amount of candy required for the prizes, making it easier for everyone to win. Plus, now when you arrive in a region with the HUD attached, you’ll receive a message letting you know how many buckets you can find in that region. And to encourage more users to join the event, rezzing out a candy bucket at your home will earn you extra bonus candies."
The prizes are nightfang, twilight squeak, and cuddle claw boopies (decor, hugable, and animesh follower). Once again get the HUD and candy bucket at https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Millbank/217/41/23 .

There's also a new set of last names available for residents, Halloween themed. They are:

Claw, Fangsby, Shade, Spooktail, Growl, Bloodstone, Witch, Vile, Ebony, Phantom

As a reminder, the names are available for a limited time, presumably until just after Halloween is over, and there is a fee to change one's last name.

There's also a Halloween Swaginator hunt.

Linden Lab's Halloween Swaginator Hunt is back! Start at the spooky Millbank region, touch to receive the Halloween 2024 Swaginator HUD, right-click and add it from your inventory, and then dive into a thrilling adventure as you search for hidden treasures and exclusive Halloween-themed prizes. Explore eerie locations, solve mysterious clues, and enjoy the festive atmosphere. Don’t miss out on this exciting quest to celebrate the Halloween season!

The HUD, and first clue of the Swaginator Hunt, is also at Millbank (217/41/23) .

As for Milibank itself, it's been transformed for the season into the Haunted Neighborhood, which we've written about in the past. 

Also available are Halloween Premium, and Premium Plus, gifts available at a list of locations.

To read more about these, and more, Click Here

Bixyl Shuftan