Monday, January 15, 2024

Europa Wulfenback Still Going

On Friday, the Newser reported that Baron Klaus Wulfenbach had been missing from Second Life since the end of July. While he's still absent, his sim, Europa Wulfenbach, is still going. It's flags are still flying over town. The zeppelin is still flying over head. The clank (robot) is still in the office, and the "Devices of Doooooooooom" are still about. Talking to Cynthia Farshore, she mentioned that the local Concordant has still been having events, the last one being a few days ago. 

So how is the sim still going months after it's owner's last appearance? It certainly could have been paid for well in advance. But odds are someone, either the Baron or someone else involved with the sim, is keeping the place going.

Stay tuned for more information.

Bixyl Shuftan


  1. Next time, go *check* that a sim has closed before announcing it on your website. Tsk.

  2. As the owner of the Region next door I can confirm that Europa is 'still there'! Our trolley carries passengers to it, but they proceed thereafter at their own risk!
