Monday, December 30, 2024

Troll of The Year: The Linden Ageplay Allegations Controversy

SL news is full of people accomplishing great things and helping others. Unfortunately, one of the biggest news stories this year was caused by a single individual whose accusations led to questions about some of the Lindens and Moles and resulting in policy changes which irritated many.

In late February, a number of residents were taking about an article that accused a number of Lindens and Moles of taking part in ageplay (sexual roleplay between an adult and a minor) with avatars designed to look like young teens. While the writer claimed to be well-known, a search of his name didn't point out other articles. Prokovy Neva, no friend of the Lab, would state that aside from a real-life name or two mentioned, there was no real evidence anything in the write-up was true. As one commenting in the Newser would say, "Anyone can make any claim they want about anything. And in SL, its also easy to create evidence of anything - you take a picture then add awful textures to replace the innocent ones on their wall. Sorry, but in this postPhotoshop world, having a picture is not sufficient to hang someone. Anyone can take any picture in SL and edit it to look like anything else."
Eventually, the Lab would take the discussions seriously enough to start investigating, reminding people, "we have a zero-tolerance policy against sexualized ageplay" and they were taking the accusations seriously. On May, Linden Lab announced changes in their child avatar policy, notably that they could no longer be nude and needed a "modesty layer," and could no longer enter any sim rated Adult, even if the location had nothing of a sexual nature. The later led to a number of complaints, particularly because some residential sims were labeled adult out of fear the Lab would boot consenting adults for what happened behind closed doors. The change in policy would affect the Burn2 festival as it had allowed both nudity and child avatars, notably Marianne McCann who helped out at the event. But with the new rule, she could no longer attend. 

Bellissaria chat would be quiet of blue dialogue from the Lindens and Moles for a while, and for a time those named in the article, notably Patch Linden, would keep a low profile for a while. Many cheered when he reappeared, but there were a few going along the lines of "hide the children!" 

Yours truly is not going to mention the man who caused all this by name, or psudonym, but he is our "troll of the year" for 2024. 

Bixyl Shuftan

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