Contacting Malkavyn Eldritch, he told me he couldn't tell me any details at all related to the "cease and desist" order other than what he already stated. But he did say there was a group concerned fans of Ozimal bunnies could join: For The Love of Oz . Chatting with the people there, I was handed a package with an "Everlasting timepiece" and other items needed to keep a pet bunny active, even one that had gone into hibernation. So if someone gets the news late about Ozimal's closing, they can still save their bunnies. You can also get the items from IMing the group and getting them from someone, or from the box of them at the Newser office at HV Community (135/85/25)

In group notices, people were still trading bunnies, and there was plenty of chat about their pets and happy moments. So while the company may be gone, many bunny owners will still be enjoying their pets.
Bixyl Shuftan
I've been long off SL and more or less retired, but I used to do LSL/backend development once upon a time. If anyone would like me to come up with a way of reviving the hibernated rabbits, I might be able to come up with a way of emulating the database server as I doubt the script security is particularly strong (if in line with SL norms). If you want to drag me back in world for an attempt at some digital veterinary care and would be willing to help, you can IM me as Ganymede Ceriaptrix.