On Saturday November 2, the election campaign of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, or CDS, officially began. The largest event would be an election rally at Cathy Sabre's venue at Alpine Meadow a week later on Saturday November 9. There was a little dancing with music provided by Maggi696 Resident. Afterwards was a discussion. Asking Rosie Grey if there ware any issues, she answered, "Nothing in particular has come up so far. ... perhaps people are a bit exhausted by real-life politics at the moment." Cathy herself thought, "There is always the discussion of how to attract more avatars to CDS. Everything else is mostly administration."
Of the sole candidate for the Chancellorship, Emilia Dagostino (emilia Avindar), Rosie thought, "I'm sure she will do fine (smile). She loves the CDS, and that's the biggest thing." Cathy thought, "She is extremely intelligent, so will probably get the dance without much problem." A third felt, "She seems to have old knowledge about the CDS too."

So it appears This month's election at the CDS is a low key affair with the voters and candidates in a laid-back mood. It has been hoped that despite the lack of burning issues, there will be a high turnout at the polls anyway, as a healthy democracy depends on a high turnout. Time will tell.
Bixyl Shuftan
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