From Zada Bury on March 9, "Annual event happening Second Life ™ ... the "Hug and Dunk a Linden" event at the Valentines Day (Hint: That is the 14th February).
Read more about the this years event here ... at "show more".
As like last year, this one was start with a "Love Train" ride and also the other activities was following the 'classic" (but good!) plot from the last year.
In this year, the starting point was at the "Bellisseria Welcome Hub" and all trains was follow the same lane.
I was this time not that early there, but I wasn't have problems to enter the Sim. I am not sure, if the Lindens was change the Sim to an 'Event Sim', which could carry 170 people ... or just turned up a regular Sim up to 100 people, as like an island-Sim. The way, how smooth it was running for me, I would guess on an event-Sim.
At the begin there was surely some known faces, but less contacts.
From the Lindens, I was foremost recognize Wendi ... she was look perfect fitting in and seems to rezzing the trains.
Beside was also a larger number of Moles.
The trolleys was appear to run this year on an automatic mode, while last year the Mole was operate them.
The one, I jumped on was have at least no operator.
The half of the ride, the 'Drivers of SL'-group was done at the last weekends Grid Drive.
The full ride was take around 40 minutes for me and there was not really unexpected happenings.
About the automatic operation ... and the more or less people on a trolley ... the speed was for some a bit different (more people causes a more lag on Sim-crossings and on the Sim, so the individual Trolley was been more slow). At some point it was come to a "clashing" of out trolley with an other one and we was continue "merged", but as the trains was phantom, nothing bad happening.
At the end of the train-ride was a TP to the "Isla of View" set up.
Sadly that was end in a crash about a disconnect for me.
The "Isle of View" was also unchanged ... and still good.
There was a lot know and unknown faces ... err ... avatars ... to see. I was feel, this year, more Lindens was there, than the last year.
This year was no spanking of Patch Linden ... but I was hugging with some of the Lindens, I seen for a while now - and even if I am not such fan of the "hugging" stuff. Oatmeal was this year also fun to pose with ... surely beside others, too."
12 hours ago
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