It's been over a week since three of the latest four Bid Me events by the Relay for Life's Team Sunbeamers were set up. Rita Mariner bit the bullet and ended hers early after a huge donation resulted in being an albino skunk for ten weeks. But that left two others. They are Charlee Amethyst's "Bid Me Panda" and Bixyl Shuftan's "Bid Me Bunny."
There are a couple new BID MES up and running at CUTLASS.
1. CHARLEE is offering to go PANDA, 2000L per week
2. BIXYL is offering to go BUNNY, 3500L per week.
1. CHARLEE is offering to go PANDA, 2000L per week
2. BIXYL is offering to go BUNNY, 3500L per week.

And then there's mine: "Bid Me Bunny." For every 3500 Linden dollars a week in the left kiosk, rounded down, yours truly spends a week dealing with hare-raising puns. For example, if 10,499L is raised, the period is two weeks. But if 10,500 L us raised, it's three weeks of hopping down the bunny trail. For those wishing to keep my foxy, there's a default kiosk which if ahead at the end of the Bid Me means I stay as is.
There are a couple outs. When doing an interview, or otherwise clearly doing Newser business, it's back to my usual avatar.
Both "Bid Me Panda" and "Bid Me Bunny" are up until Saturday May 6, and the totals finalized at 8PM SL time at the end of the Cutlass party.
For Liska da'Lantros (LiskaDaLantros Resident), her "Bid Me Purple" came to a close on Saturday April 22
Liska BID ME Purple results.
Liska goes PURPLE for 4 weeks, till MAY 20.
Liska goes PURPLE for 4 weeks, till MAY 20.
But this isn't the end of Liska's Bid Me events. Since her period of four weeks is about the right time for another fundraiser, she volunteered for another one: "Bid Me Skunk." Like the others, there's a default kiosk to keep her as is (when her time as purple expires), and a skunk kiosk to change her. This time it'll take 4000 Linden dollars a week, rounded down, to changer her. For instance, a total of 7999 Linden dollars would be just one week of tomato juice jokes.
People have until Saturday May 20 to donate to Liska's latest Bid Me, the totals finalized at 8PM SL time after the party at Cutlass.
To donate to any of these Bid Me events, head to Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).
Go Sunbeamers! Go Relay!
Bixyl Shuftan
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