Friday, April 28, 2023

The BelliHub

 There's a new place in Second Life aimed at helping both newcomers and those interested in living in the Bellisseria area: Bellihub. Patch Linden would announce it in the Linden Homes forums last week.

For months, we have been working behind the scenes to provide all of Bellisseria (and Second Life in general) a place where they can go to find information regarding Bellisseria, meet up with residents living in Bellisseria and have all of their questions answered. 

Today, we are pleased to release the BelliHub!

Dropping it, at first it looks like a newcomer orientation center, with explanations what Second Life is and how to go about. Going further, there's explanations on what Bellisseria is and how to get a Premium account and Linden Home. There's also an events center, where people can post notices about goings on. On the northern half of the island, Bellidemo, one can look at examples of Linden Homes, as well as click to see different styles of them

 There's also a hangout area. On opening day, the Lindens and moles had a party there, and I was invited over by a resident. But was busy and sent my alt Rezzdarnnit over. Someone used the "Rezzdammit!" gesture, so I sent Rezzdammit over as well. People, including Patch Linden himself, had a good laugh at seeing the "Rezz brothers." It was one of the examples of fun at the party.

Bixyl Shuftan

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