Friday, June 7, 2024

The Last 2024 Moon Dance And The Sunbeamer Camp

 Last night, Thursday June 6, the Relay for Life's Sunbeamer team held the last of their weekly Moon Dance events. It was held in the lunar surface high above Sunweaver Space. I arrived with Charlee in time to hear DJ Cynthia Farshore play a number of Big Band tunes and other music from World War Two.

Cynthia would later tell me earlier she had started off with the first known recording of a human voice, in 1860, "I played recordings through the decades 1860, 1878 (Edison little lamb) 1898 cylinder and the various music from 1903 to today covering each decade with several records ... D-Day did cross my mind but instead I wanted to end the Moon Dance in Relay Theme."

People from other teams, such as Purple Tears, Meli's Maniacs, and several from Roos With A Dream showed up. The Roos and Sunnies were in particularly good spirits, having reached Ruby and Emerald levels this week.

At 6PM, the fireworks went off, and the last song, "I Run For Life" played. People would say their goodbyes, and head out, "See you at the Relay Weekend Saturday."

At the Relay track at RFL Knowledge, the Sunbeamer camp was finally finished. Cynthia and Shockwave Yareach were the main builders for the place. In the middle is the "Carousel of Hope" showing how things have changed over the decades.

Most of the Luminaria had been lit up with tributes to Cynthia and Shockwave, Snowy Lefavre, Charlee Shuftan, and someone chose to honor the SL Newser.

Correction: I originally stated that the music at the Moon Dance was a D-Day theme. What happened was I arrived late, and that was what I heard.
Go Sunbeamers! Go Relay!
Bixyl Shuftan

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