Longtime residents of Second Life will remember the Linden Snowball Fights. These were events organized by Linden Lab as part of "Winterfest." While the Lindens weren't there all the time, it was a chance for ordinary residents to lob a snowball at the Lindens either out of fun or a kind of revenge for all those glitches and bugs throughout the year. The last one took place in 2010. After that, like other events in which residents and Lindens interacted, they came to an end as part of the Lab's policies discouraging the staff from interacting with the residents.
Well, the Lindens have been a bit more willing to interact with the residents once again, and the Linden Snowball Fight is back. On Friday February 6, the first one in over four years will take place.
Come pelt some Lindens and fellow Residents with snowballs in a frozen field free-for-all at Winter Wonderland. That’s right - between 10 AM SLT and noon SLT on Friday, February 6th, we’re holding a meetup inworld at the Snowball Warzone. Get your free snow launching weapon, gather your posse, and prepare to say hello to some Linden friends for a full on flurry of snow-slinging fun.
Premium account residents, according to official bulletins, will have access to a special snowball bazooka, "this Premium snowball launcher fires a giant snowball that can trap even the strongest foes," promising wielders they'll have an advantage over the opposition. No work yet on how well the weapons older residents have from previous snowball fights will work.
Gemma Cleanslate wrote earlier about the Winter Wonderland area. Besides the snowball fight, Linden Lab is offering free gifts there, including a snowmobile, snowglobes, snowboards, and jewelry.

There's also a Photo Booth Contest, "Share your silly photo booth style pictures with us for a chance to win L$10,000, L$5,000, L$3,000, or L$1,000 for your snapshot! Props encouraged! Winners will be selected by a panel consisting of both Lindens and Residents." The contest is open to entries until March 4.
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