9 hours ago
Friday, February 27, 2015
"The Poultry Report" Second Life Blog Moving Due to New Blogspot Policy
Bay City residents are familiar with Uccello Poultry, or "Uccie" as she's commonly called. Besides being involved in local activities, such as her recent winning of the title "Miss Bay City," she also runs a blog about various things and doings, mostly about Second Life, "The Poultry Report." Adult content is part of her postings, such as the weekly "Topless Tuesday" posts. Unfortunately, such content is affected by a new policy of Blogspot, or Blogger, on which her blog runs. Starting March 23, all blogs that run under Blogspot that contain sexual content such as nude pictures or videos with bare breasts and sex organs or sexual activity will be listed as "private." This means they can been seen only by the blog's owner, or those with whom he or she has actively shared it with. This means that "The Poultry Report" would suddenly have a much smaller audience.
Rather than take down the "Topless Tuesday" and other nude pictures, Uccello made the decision to move her activity to a new location. Following her entry on Wednesday February 25, "The Poultry Report's" new posts will be at https://poultryreport.wordpress.com/.
Perhaps it is easier to objectify bare chests on women than it is on men and likely this will always be so. It is an erogenous zone, after all. And as much as I decry the inequality between men and women on this issue ... I can understand some of the reasoning behind Blogger's policy change. I can't help wonder, though, if Google/Blogger will crack down on violent images. Which is more harmful ... a picture of a woman's breast being caressed or one being carved at with a knife? Frequent exposure to anything will desensitize a person to the stimulus it provides. ... Frankly, I'd rather see more breasts ... Since my efforts with The Poultry Report have to been focus on Second Life I'll abstain from delving into the nanny state concept behind all of this. Perhaps I'll tackle it in the future if I can find an SL tie-in.
The Second Life Newser also uses blogspot as a platform, but as the publication has a "workplace safe" policy, Blogger's move will have no effect on who can view it.
Hopefully, Uccie's blog will do well at it's new location.
Bixyl Shuftan
adult content,
Second Life,
The Poultry Report,
Topless Tuesday,
Uccello Poultry
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Thank you for the great writeup, Bix! Nice of you to take notice of my little blog.