On Friday January 11, dozens of tiny avatars and friends of held a protest at Governor Linden's Mansion to draw attention to the "Hover Bug" which was making some mesh avatars, tinies included, appear to float a few feet off the ground. Linden Lab listened, and it is delivering. On the webpage for Second Life on Monday January 15, the Grid Status Report area stated there would be a "Bake Service Update" for early this morning. A closer look revealed this update was the one that would fix the glitch that's caused the mesh tinies so much trouble.

Once the update has completed, any avatars experiencing issues with hover height will need to change outfits in order to help you stand on the ground.
Oldesoul Eldemar, who spends part of the time in the Relay For Life as a Tiny, had a few comments about it, "Have an issue- call a tiny! Still lockin em up at Fantasy Faire! I mean dis is jest silliness!" There were a number in the comments section of the protest article, "A big box of choco waffas and a box of Wootjoos to the Lindens! Hugggles!" "On behalf of my dinky and titchy friends, thank you for fixing this!" "Thank you programmers for helping me, my frens, my frens' frens, and all those affected by involuntary flight."
So the issue seems to have been resolved, and the tinies can, to paraphrase a quote from World of Warcraft, keep their feet on the ground.
Bixyl Shuftan
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