Sunday, June 30, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Censored

 Taken at the SL21B. Why the girl would be wearing a "Censored" mask, who knows. But a few things come to mind. 

Bixyl Shuftan


SL Video: Fourth SL21B Town Hall


 From Vic Morington on Friday June 28, his live broadcast of the Fourth Town Hall event at the SL21B, featuring Patch Linden and the Moles, followed by the first moments of the party at the Helios Casino afterwards.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

SL Video: Third SL21B Town Hall


From Vic Morington on Thursday June 27, his live broadcast of the Third Town Hall event at the SL21B, with Linden Lab founder Philip Linden being interviewed.

SL Video: First SL21B Town Hall


From Vic Morington on Tuesday June 25, his live broadcast of the first Town Hall event at the SL21B, with Grumpity, Kali, Syntx, and Kyle Linden.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Breaking News: Linden Lab Offering Limited Number of Lifetime Premium-Plus Accounts

 It was just announced at the Friday Town Hall at the Second Life Birthday by Patch Linden that Linden Lab will be offering Lifetime Premium Plus Accounts, called SecondLifetime Premium Plus Accounts (youtube link). BUT, it will be a small number. As this the 21st anniversary of Second Life, there will be 21 Lifetime Premium Plus Accounts available, "it's in honor of Second Life's 21st Birthday, and we enjoy trying to be thematic when we can."

These lifetime accounts are not cheap. They will cost 1,899.00 US dollars, or 1,150.00 if one is upgrading their SecondLifetime Premium account.
SecondLifetime Premium accounts were offered last year at the SL20B.  Back then, they were $749 USD. The price has since gone up to $859.00

More details about SecondLifetime accounts can be found (here). 

Second SL21B Town Hall, Video And Summary

 Wednesday January 26 was the second of the Town Hall events at the Second Life Birthday this week. Patch Linden, the VP of Product ad Marketing, was the most prominent. Others on stage were Keira Linden, the Support Operations Manager, Product Operations Manager Derrick Linden, and Creative Producer Izzy Linden. Besides Vic Morrington (link), it was also filmed by Pantera Polnocy (link), whose video had a side window for local text chatter.
On Linden Homes, Patch stated there was a Premium-Plus Linden home under development, though didn't mention the theme. Later in the Second Life forums, he would ask for suggestions. Patch also stated a phasing out of older Linden Homes was desired, but as of now there was no timetable for it.  Someone asked if two Premium-level Linden homes for Premium Plus residents was an option. Patch stated it could be done, but wouldn't be any time soon as it would reduce the number of Linden Homes available. 

Someone asked if the continent of Zindra could be connected to the others via water sims. Patch answered that was an option for the future, but it couldn't happen anytime soon.
It was asked what was being done about hate speech "from far right groups." Kiera Linden answered they were doing what they could, relying on inworld abuse reports, "It's difficult to keep up because there's lots of corners of the world that don't pop up very often."

The idea of shared accounts for businesses was brought up, which came up earlier this month in the Second Life forums when a merchant stated he had been relying on one, even though it was against the terms of service and Linden Lab cracking down was making it difficult for his store to function. Patch stated while he could understand why merchants would use shared accounts, the ban on this was for good reasons, that there was the clear ability for an account's Linden dollars to be stolen and the inventory deleted, and that access to one's account had the potential for exposure or real-life financial bank and credit card information, "it has the ability to throw your money out the window, and do damage .... empty into the trash can kind of damage. ... We're as protective of your accounts as we can be. " Plus there was the possibility of a business relationship to sour and turn hostile. Still, Patch stated they were open to change and perhaps something could be worked out in the future. 

The question of content theft in sales came up. Kiera Linden stated it can be tricky when two people come to them saying they're both the original creator of something, and the best solution for people was to continue to file DMCA reports. 

Also asked about was Linden Labs' relationships to charities, ensuring the money goes where it's supposed to. Patch answered there were two levels. The first included recognized charities that had long run in Second Life such as the American Cancer Society and the Michel J. Fox Foundation. The second level was "individuals who are interested in raising funds," saying they were limited in what they could do to help other than list events on the Destination Guide, but did "verify any past fundraisers they have done."

It was asked if there will be multiple partner lines for those in "poly" relationships. Patch talked about work on something allowing flexibility "Yes, but we don't have a timeline. ... It is something that has gotten attention."

Someone asked about land barons supposedly grabbing up Bellisserian land. Patch answered, "This is actually fascinating to hear. We just need to be aware who is doing it ... you cannot sublease parcels. If someone is going so, we'd like to hear about it, File an abuse report."

It was also asked will there be Lifetime Premium Accounts? Patch's answer was a tease, "I don't know, you'll have to come tot he Mole Town Hall to Find out. ... the number 21 might be involved."

Also asked about was a video option for abuse reports, making unclaimed Mainland more easily available to residents, making voice to text and text to voice servers "it's being worked on," the electric vehicle offered as a prize in the SL20B, which was won in a state the winner was able to claim anonymously, handling the accounts of deceased friends and relatives, and others.

There were also some comical comments, such as Patch musing there would be a tollway road through the continents, charging residents money as they drove through it, what was the favorite pizza of the Lindens, and "How many Moles does it take to screw in a light bulb."

The Town Hall events go on to Friday June 28, and the last Meet the Lindens event is the Community Roundtable on Monday July 1 at 11:30 AM SL time, also at the Aquatorium. 

Bixyl Shuftan

Fourth SLB Linden "Town Hall" Today

Today, Friday June 28, the fourth of the Linden Town Hall events for the Second Life Birthday will take place. This one will feature a number of the Linden Moles.
 Attend a Town Hall at the SL21B Aquatorium with the Moles! The Moles are builders, scripters, and content creators employed by Linden Lab to work in the Linden Department of Public Works.    

The event will take place at 1:30 PM SL time at the Aquatorium building. 

Scenes From The SLB

 Yours truly has been busy lately, both in real life and writing the news. Still, I've had a little time to see some of the Second Life Birthday. At 4AM on Tuesday, I caught a few minutes of DJ Minty's set.

The decorations between the exhibits in themselves look pretty good. This still picture can't show the movement of the fluttering butterflies, though it does show the detail of the flowers and plants. 

Some exhibits fit in well with the theme "Elements."

Some exhibits looked like they made some use of the PBR technology recently brought into Second Life. While I couldn't get it to show my reflection, it did show others.

And some were just plain cool, such as this Elements of Spaceflight exhibit at SLB Stupendous (70/120/21)

Stay tuned for more.

Bixyl Shuftan

This Saturday at The Science Circle

 Saturday June 29

    At 10 AM PST   

    Field Trip: Second Life 21st Birthday
    Dr. William Schmachtenberg & Roy Sutton show their exhibits at Second Life’s 21st Birthday
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Mobile Viewer Now Avaiable to Premium, Premium-Plus Residents, In "Early Beta"

A couple days ago on the evening of Tuesday June 25, Linden Lab announced it was making it's mobile viewer open to all Premium and Premium-Plus accounts of Second Life. The Lab would say the viewer is in "early beta."

We’re excited to announce the next important milestone in the availability of the all-new official Second Life Mobile app. Effective today, we’re now opening up early beta access to all active Premium and Premium Plus members!

The Second Life app brings all the richness and beauty of the virtual world to both mobile phones and tablets. Now you can stay connected and socialize with your friends and communities – anytime, anywhere. Explore a diverse universe of places while on the go and even style your avatar – all from the palm of your hand.

The mobile app can be downloaded through this here, which will take you to the App Store:
As of the writing of this article, there are 15 reviews, mostly very good or very poor, which even out to a rating of 3.3 out of 5. Of the poor ratings, the majority stated they couldn't log in. 

The Lab would go on to say that a number of communities and other public places would be launching launch parties for the mobile viewer. This includes Caledon, Bay City, the Bellisserian Bureau of Bureaucracy, the Nature Collective, Virtual Ability, and others. The Lab is still open to more holding events, those interested invited to fill out the form (here).

Reader Submitted Pictures: At The SLB


From Alden Cortes, "What a view! Finally a high flight over Heterocera without any fear of running into security orbs."
  Erik Mondrian - 3D Terrain Model at SL21B

Panda Jenn's Pad Needs Help


It's been a little while since we last wrote about Panda Jenn's Pad. The Internet cartoonist and artist has been busy in real life, with little time to get on Second Life. She recently messaged the Newser to say she will be having more time to get online and have events there (as well as impromptu meetups with friends). But, there's a problem. 
Panda Jenn's friend Logan Bamaisin (Laufiair Hexicola) had been letting the venue stay on his land. But due to his financial situation will soon no longer be able to keep up the payments, at least not without help. People wanting to help can send Linden dollars to Logan or Panda Jenn (PandaJenn0 Resident), or then can send real world money to her via Paypal at .

Panda Jenn's Pad is of Asian (mostly Japanese) style, and has a number of rooms, including a game room (not all of the games work). There's also a club area for music and dance events, as well as a fish pond and hot tub. 

Bixyl Shuftan 

Third SLB Linden "Town Hall" Today, SL Founder Philip Linden Speaking

Today is the third of the Town Hall events taking place at the Second Life Birthday. Philip Linden, the founder of Linden Lab, will be interviewed by Brett Linden.

The event will be taking place at 1:30 PM SL time at the Aquatorium. For those who can't make the event, check Vic Morrington's Youtube Livestream (here).


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Demon Drummer

 Taken at the SL Newser Anniversary Party. Looks like one demoness decided to help DJ Snowbuns by banging some drums. 

By Bixyl Shuftan

Scenes From The Newser Party

It's been fourteen years since the Second Life Newser started publishing. And a few days ago, a party was held in it's honor at the Happy Vixen for current and past staff, supporters, readers, and other freinds. There were cheers, laughs, good music, a contest, and a few pictures taken.
See the pictures in Events

Reader Submitted: At The SL21B

 From Jasmine Dawn, at the SL21B Welcome Center. next to a birthday cake.


Reader Submitted Pictures: At The SLB


From Kamida Delec, visiting a spot with a mirror, "Blurry skunk, the graphic slider is all the way to the right but she still looks blurry.."
"This is what I see with my default setting, very little."

 "And this on high, there are two settings after that but they too are blurry."

Second SLB Linden "Town Hall" Today, Patch Linden Speaking

 Today is the second of the Town Hall events taking place at the Second Life Birthday. On stage will be Patch Linden, and Keira, Derrick, and Izzy Linden.
Attend a Town Hall with the Product Operations team at the SL21B Aquatorium. In attendance will be Senior VP of Product Operations & Marketing Patch Linden, Support Operations Manager Keira Linden, Product Operations Manager Derrick Linden, and Creative Producer Izzy Linden.  

The event will be at the Aquatorium today, Wednesday June 26, at 1:30 PM. For those who can't make the event, check Vic Morrington's Youtube Livestream (here).

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Looking Back: Memorials to Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett

It was fifteen years ago today that two celebrities passed away, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. Fawcett had passed away after a lengthy battle with cancer. Jackson's death was originally ruled a heart attack, but turned out to be caused by an overdose of a drug intended as a sleep aide. 

Memorials to the two media icons were set up in Second Life. For the article about the two memorials read the 2009 article, originally published in the Second Life Newspaper, (here). 

Bixyl Shuftan

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: Metalic, Pride Colors, This Means War

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, DJ Snowy, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: TBA

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: TBA

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

First SLB Linden "Town Hall" Today

 Today, the first of the SL21B Town Hall events takes place, with Grumpity, Signal, Sntaz, and Kyle Linden.
Attend a Town Hall with the Product and Engineering teams at the SL21B Aquatorium. In attendance will be Senior VP of Product & Engineering Grumpity Linden, Director of Engineering Web & Platform Kali Linden, Director of Engineering Second Life Server & Viewer Signal Linden, Senior Product Manager Sntax Linden, and Product Manager Kyle Linden.  

The event will be at the Aquatorium today, Tuesday June 25, at 1:30 PM SL time. The event will likely be shown on Youtube as well (

Correction: Vic Morington is providing the Youtube.

Former Newser Reporter Grease Coakes Annouces He's Leaving Second Life

 For most residents who leave Second Life, their departure is a quiet affair, most not noticing until they've been gone for a while. But for Grease Coakes, he made his public, announcing it in DJ Tantari's Discord.
It's very unlikely I will come back to Second Life anymore. Crashing constantly is not fun. I could not stay online for my DJ set at 21SLB so I am tired of fighting a game that no longer lets me log on anymore.

So I uninstalled it and I am not coming back.

Talking to Grease, he was saying he had been having trouble for a while, "Trust me I have been struggling to stay on SL since May. And I am done fighting with it."  When asked if he would give another virtual world a try, he had no comment. 

Grease Coakes joined the Newser in 2012, writing articles to 2017. When not on SL, he would play Guild Wars 2. Besides writing for the Newser, he would publish some furry fiction, DJ at sets, such as a few SL Newser anniversary parties, and lead a tarrot card class.

Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, June 24, 2024

Reader Submitted Image: DeniseUnicorn Toonie's SL21B Exhibit

 From DeniseUnicorn Toonie, "The SecondLife 21st Birthday celebrations started up yesterday. I was able to get in as an exhibitor. You can find my exhibit named 'Unicornium Elements' at these SLURL coordinates: "

Firestorm PBR Viewer Online


 Last week on Thursday June 20, Firestorm announced on their blog that their latest viewer version, the 6.6.17 viewer, was out, one that could view PBR (Physical Based Rendering) content. This includes some high detail content, and mirror surfaces. 

It is time! After nearly seven months of testing and seeking bug fixes and merging improvements and features, we are unleashing the Firestorm PBR viewer today. PBR was first released by Linden Lab back in November 2023. We have been working with them to help ensure that bugs and glitches in those early releases were addressed before we passed it on. Since then many improvements have been made, not just in the performance and stability but with new features such as realistic mirrors and better terrain. It is now time to pass all that on, and we felt that there was no better occasion to do this than just before the SL21B celebrations, where—I have been told by someone who got an early insight—”some of the best builds I have ever seen in Second Life” have been created.
They listed a "timeline of release notes and updates" to help keep track of what features were under development and when.

I downloaded the new viewer, and I went to a place where there was some PBR content: The Shop and Hop. The hallways separating the sims, I had noticed panels with wavy gray patterns before. With the new Firestorm viewer, they took shape as leafy plants. 

Someone (I forget the name) pointed out a place where I could see a PBR mirror. I went there, and I went to my Preferences and made sure "Mirrors" were active. And it worked. 

But, it wasn't perfect. Lag seemed to be slightly worse, and I couldn't get water surfaces to reflect. Firestorm admitted there would be problems for many, "This is a big step."

I don’t want to underplay the enormity of this change from the 6.6.17 viewer. The visual experience will be drastically different, and for some, it will take some getting used to. The hardware demands will be quite different, too, and you will have to make some (sometimes significant) changes to your “normal settings” to get the best out of your experience.

A lot of why we have held back is to try to get ahead of many of the bug fixes and issues that we knew would dominate the support teams time. While this release is certainly a lot more stable than early PBR viewers and I would say it is probably as stable as any previous viewer, the bugs and annoyances that you will experience will be different and new, and people naturally worry about this. Our support team will be working very hard to help you all through this transition ...

And bugs there were. The very first to comment wrote, "Being on an older computer it was horrific, more useless SL bells and whistles..." another went "I am going to be perfectly and brutally honest, its worst. From what I have seen the settings are changed into a way that the reflections became more unreal then before, the water is horrible" A marketing manager for a boat show wrote, "this is just AWFUL. What terrible timing. ALL the vendor’s semi-transparent sails are now ruined and need to be redone... the water is purple, and the foliage all has a blue-purple fringe at the transparent edges ... Worse yet, I had to clear my cache to get my slide-show textures to load and finally display properly. And, of course, the average attendee doesn’t have the skills to get into their settings to clear the cache or turn down settings to even make the boat show remotely viable."

Two friends of mine reported trouble. One told me she experienced bad lag at the SL21B, worse than last year, and when looking at another friend's PBR mirror she crashed. Former Newser writer Grease Coakes told me he had so much trouble crashing at the SL21B trying to play music, and had problems going back to May, he made the decision to leave SL with no plans on coming back.

So it seems we have a viewer update with much to offer. But it seems work to fix the bugs is needed. 

Readers with problems (and praises) are encouraged to make a comment below.

Bixyl Shuftan


EOTB: SL21B "Town Halls And Community Roundtable"

This week, and next Monday, the "Meet The Lindens (and Moles)" events will be taking place at the Second Life Birthday. Though this year they're called "Town Halls and Community Roundtable." The schedule was posted a few days ago on the Linden blog.

Tuesday, June 25th at 1:30pm PT - Attend a Town Hall with the Product and Engineering teams at the SL21B Aquatorium. In attendance will be Senior VP of Product & Engineering Grumpity Linden, Director of Engineering Web & Platform Kali Linden, Director of Engineering Second Life Server & Viewer Signal Linden, Senior Product Manager Sntax Linden, and Product Manager Kyle Linden.

Wednesday, June 26th at 1:30pm PT - Attend a Town Hall with the Product Operations team at the SL21B Aquatorium. In attendance will be Senior VP of Product Operations & Marketing Patch Linden, Support Operations Manager Keira Linden, Product Operations Manager Derrick Linden, and Creative Producer Izzy Linden.

Thursday, June 27th at 1:30pm PT - Attend a Town Hall at the SL21B Aquatorium with the Founder of Second Life Philip Linden interviewed by VP of Marketing Brett Linden. 

Friday, June 28th at 1:30pm PT - Attend a Town Hall at the SL21B Aquatorium with the Moles! The Moles are builders, scripters, and content creators employed by Linden Lab to work in the Linden Department of Public Works.  

Monday, July 1st at 11:30am PT - Attend our second Community Roundtable at the SL21B Aquatorium with Executive Chairman Oberwolf Linden and Senior VP of Product Operations & Marketing Patch Linden. Our Community Roundtables give you the opportunity to connect directly with our top executives, share your input, and discuss ideas on enhancing Second Life. This initiative represents another step in our efforts to improve our community interactions, ensuring that your voice is more directly heard and valued. 

Check the Linden blog for any last minute updates.  

SL Video: "Happy Birthday Second Life (SL21B - Random Walking Around The Celebratory Grounds)"


From Draxtor Despress on Sunday July 23, when he explores some SLB exhibits with "Shyla the Super Gecko" (KriJon Resident), "It is that time of year again where we celebrate the fact that Second Life - due to the ingenuity of its residents - has outlived many a Metaverses.

"Well, I don't personally find joy in punching down on worlds that came and went so let me be clear: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SECOND LIFE! YOU ARE MY ONE AND ONLY (even if others were to exist .... and they don't ... change my mind?)"

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Toilet Scooter

 Taken at the Relay Weekend. Someone was going about in a motorized toilet. Hopefully his steering didn't go to pot. 

By Bixyl Shuftan

Saturday, June 22, 2024

SL Video: "Patch Linden at the opening of SL21B"


From Vic Mornington, his video of Patch Linden speaking at the Opening Ceremony of the SL21B on June 21. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Second Life Birthday Begins

 The Second Life Birthday is underway! Sometime earlier today, the sims were made open to all, and people could finally drop in and go around the exhibits, theaters, and other locations.
The welcome area is at SLB Awesome at (128/136/46).

With plenty of exhibits to see across the sims.

Patch gave a speech at the opening ceremony at 2 PM.

This was followed by the music events at the theaters.

Happy Birthday Second Life

Bixyl Shuftan

SL21B Begins Today

For those waiting for the Second Life Birthday, today is the big day. Sometime today, the sims will open to all, and the music stages, the shop and hop, and the exhibits will be open for all to see.

It is unknown just what time the sims will be open, but the Opening Ceremony will be 2PM, hosted by Patch Linden. It will be at the Aquatorium theater in SLB Mesmerize, SLB Pizzazz, and SLB Spellbound. At 3 PM, the music begins at the three music theaters, The Nimbus, Firestone Keep, and The Stonehold.
This includes the Newser exhibit, built by Silvia Ametza and her team, located at SLB Incredible (23/26/21).
See you at the SLB
Bixyl Shuftan

This Saturday at The Science Circle

 Saturday June 22

    At 10 AM PST   

    SL21B: The Science Circle, Chemistry Island & Mathematics Club
    By Dr. Phil Youngblood
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Second Life Birthday, SLB Shop And Hop, Start Tomorrow

 After weeks of preperation and months of anticipation, the Second Life Twenty-First Birthday celebrations, also known as the SL21B, are almost here. There's the music, the meet the Lindens events, the Shop and Hop (image above), and of course all those exhibits.

For a lucky few, the Shop and Hop has already started with early access. For the rest, it opens fully tomorrow.
While we don't have the exact time the sims will be open, the Opening Ceremony will be 2PM, hosted by Patch Linden. It will be at the Aquatorium theater in SLB Mesmerize, SLB Pizzazz, and SLB Spellbound. At 3 PM, the music begins at the three music theaters, The Nimbus, Firestone Keep, and The Stonehold. 
Next week, are the Meet the Lindens (and Moles) wvents, from Tuesday June 25 to Friday June 28. On Monday July 1 is the Second Community Roundtable with Chairman Oberwolf Liden and Patch Linden.
And don't forget to check out the exhibits. This includes the Newser's exhibit, built by Silvia Ametza and her team, located at SLB Incredible (23/26/21).

Bixyl Shuftan

New Water Connection Between Bellisseria And Mainland


For those who both like Bellisseria and like being able to travel from it to the mainland without teleporting, some interesting news. There is now a new connection between the Linden Home continent to mainland. It consists of three sims, Cistern, Kerplop, and Portland connecting eastern Sansaria and northwest Bellisseria. 

There is more work in the area to do by the Moles. Cistern had some land on it, including an unfinished railroad track that ended at the southern edge of the sim, meaning more land to the south soon. But another connection from and to the Mainland with Bellisseria, is good news.
Hat tip: Erik Mondria

Bixyl Shuftan

Join The SL Newser Staff For A PARTY!

Hard to believe it's been fourteen years. Join the Newser crew this Saturday for a PARTY!  We'll be celebrating another year of reporting the news. The fun is at the Happy Vixen at Noon. At 12, DJ Snowy spins the music, and at 1PM, the foxy DJ Charlee plays the tunes. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Looking Back At The Newser: The First Years, 2010-2013 (2022)

In a few days, the Newser will have an anniversary party to celebrate 14 years of reporting the news across Second Life. But one might ask how did things go when it first started? Well, we hit the ground running. Within a week, we had some BIG stories to report on, and the news kept coming. In 2022, we wrote on how it was for our first few years. Quite a bit had happened.
Read the article from 2022 in Extra

Rededication Ceremony At The Vietnam Wall

 On June 15 at Noon SL time, high above the Veterans Isle sim, there was a rededication event at the recently moved Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Suta Northman led a short ceremony. A number of others, mostly in Veteran groups, were also there. People took a little time to recongize the contributions of Veterans, and the sacrifices they made. 

There was a black box covering something for the first part of the ceremony. Then in the middle of it, the cover was removed, revealing a plaque and picture of the late Cy Cyberstar. Suta announced that the memorial would officially be renamed after him. Cy was once in charge of the group behind the Vietnam Memorial, passing away a few years ago. 

As 1PM approached, singer AustinMoore came by with his dancers. The girls included Netera Landar, who wrote for the Newser years ago, and Talia Sunsong a writer and artist the Newser interviewed. Last but not least was Sandy Hauster

The Memorial Wall can be visited in Veterans Isle. Suta explained the reason for the move was they could no longer to play for a sim to house it. 

Bixyl Shuftan

Mieville's Silk Road 2024


Mieville's Silk Road 2024: On the Road Again, is a grid-wide hunt, themed markets, quest, and Silk Road exhibit. Join the Mieville Historical Hunts group for up to date event information!

Event Type: Hunt & Market

Event Start Date: July 1, 2024

Event Start Time SLT:  12:00 a.m.

Event End Date: July 21, 2024

Event Location SLURL:

Event Website:

Advertisements submitted by Una Kealoha on behalf of Mieville Historical Hunts.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: Into The Future, Good vs Evil, Disco

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, DJ Snowy, TBA, DJ Scratch, Newser Anniversary Party, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: TBA

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: TBA

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Announcement: Gone Too Soon, Lady Lovie Benoir


Gone Too Soon!

The Second Life community mourns the loss of our Beloved Lady Lovie Benoir!

Second Life Rezz Date: October 27, 2007 - Real Life Sunset: June 05, 2024

The Second Life Family and friends mournfully announce the passing of our most beautiful, most loving, most caring,and beloved family member Lady Lovie Benoir on Wednesday, June 5th 2024.

Lovie was a beacon, a source of inspiration, and guidance to the Second Life community as I am certain that she was in real life.

Please keep her real life family, her SL family, and all of the many friends whose lives she has touched in prayer.

We are in the process of planning an SL memorial after her real life memorial.

Additional information will be communicated as soon as it becomes available.

Until then, we appreciate your patience, your understanding, and your prayers.  
The SL Family of Lady Lovie Benoir 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Reminder: The Second Life Birthday Starts Friday


Just a reminder. The Second Life Birthday, aka the SL21B, will be starting in a few days.  On Friday June 21, the sim will open up to the public. Presumably there will be an opening ceremony soon after. The times of both have yet to be announced. 

Later will be the "Meet the Lindens" events, this year known as the Town Hall and Community Roundtable. 

Stay tuned for more details.

Picture from Destination Guide

Kimberley Alice (Kim) of Kim's Kreations Has Died

Last week, it was announced that Kim (kimberleyalice1961 Resident), the woman behind the Kim's Kreations store, had passed away. The news was announced on Monday June 10.

Kim (sweet and generous Kim) has passed away due to cancer. From her husband: "I am so sorry to confirm what many of you have learned today.  Last night one of the most beautiful people on the planet left us forever. I lost my best friend ever.  I wish there was something i could do to fix the hurt and heartache we all feel." 

Bellisseria chat had a number of people expressing their condolences, "She was a beautiful person." "I wish I could help her surviving hubby." "So many beauitiful things in her shop, she helped me many times, more than I can remember." "May Kim rest in peace." "Such a great person. Cancer is so unfair."

As stated, Kim's store is still up, at Mieville Kipling (32/136/26).

Rest in peace.

Bixyl Shuftan

Remembering Zorro


It was almost a week ago on June 11 when the Sunweaver community found out one of it's own, Zorru Wurramunga, had passed away.  Soon after, this picture of him was placed at the community's main club, Cutlass, next to the dancing pole he sometimes used. 

On Friday June 14, the party was dedicated in his honor, with a few Sunbeamers who hadn't been at the club in months showing up. 

At the memorial to departed Sunweavers at Sunweaver Eclipse, a candle to Zorro had been set up. People left tributes, including a bottle of pirate's rum. One can see it at Sunweaver Eclipse (67/241/21)

Rest in peace, our fisher metal fox

Bixyl Shuftan

Sunday, June 16, 2024

An Outfit For Father's Day

 It's Father's Day in the United States. And my late Father had his last one five years ago. At Club Scorn, the theme was Father's Day, "dress in something your dad would wear." As my Dad was in the Navy, I searched Marketplace and found an old pre-Mesh seaman's uniform.

Thank you again for your guidance, Dad, and I miss you.

Bixyl Shuftan

Cartoon of The Day: Fox Hunt

 From the Relay Weekend. My friend Noc is another kind of canine, but as we were on horseback, and behind this running hunan avatar, you can guess what my sense of humor came up with. 

By Bixyl Shuftan