“It was a great fun to create this place,” he posted, “but now it's time for me to "move" on another SIM project. ... I have learnt a lot while building this place and I consider Nemo as a training course for something more improved.”

Nemo, also known as the Nemo Trilogy, was a much praised place in Second Life that was considered among the best built in recent months, built on March 23rd. It got the attenton of Linden Labs, and was featured on their Destination Guide as a place to go to. The place you start at is the entrance to a Steampunk style submarine city. From there, you can take a train that leads to a reproduction of Captain Nemo’s submarine the “Natulis.” There is also an ariel city, with an ariel museum and an observatory.
Nemo is at the FRANCE3D Futuna sim (91, 148, 21) In April, Second Life Newspaper did an article on the submarine base.
“Prims to prims, pixels to pixels.”
Sources: Second Life Universe Forums, Daniel Voyager's Blog
Bixyl Shuftan
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