Recently, a friend of mine came to me about trouble from Linden Lab. They were banning a feature of the Zyngo game, he told me, that affected the game enough for at least one place to close down. He explained some, then later described what happened in fuller detail.
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seem anything that makes mooney for sl games auoplay camping seems anytiem someone has agood idea that make money for ll they ban it. becasue of a very few people causing prob instead of banning them the punish every one on the grid and ban things. i remember when you could go ll office in game and acctually find someone to help now they act people in sl owe them or refuse to help in altogether.
ReplyDeletethe act irationally when somethign that Does make them money. even homestead land were makign the lots and lots of money then instead of like a normal company rasies the tier and prices percent then limit how many people youc an have there at one time. Make you wonder if they intention want sl to go away sometimes. Instead they could WOrth with peopel in games NOT outside of sl work with peopel in sl instead of asking some jig head at some company who never even play sl at all.
the really need to take a look at them selves and Correct themselves and Work withthe developers in game isntead of some minor flunky from outside sl