Wednesday, April 21, 2021

RFL Team Sunbeamers Reach Jade, 500K Lindens

Yesterday evening, Tuesday April 20, the Relay's Team Sunbeamers reached a milestone. The total raised in both online and inworld donations hit the 500,000 Linden dollar mark, and into Jade level fundraising. The equivalent of $2000 US dollars. 

By all means, this isn't going to mean the team will slow down. Having just had their bumper car event (which raised 6400), there's one ongoing Bid-Me event with plans for more. And then there's the Air Show, and the weekly Moon Dance and other Bring Your Own Kiosk events. Team captain Rita Mariner plans to get the team to reach to Sapphire level (750,000 L), and beyond.  

Team Sunbeamers is the Relay team of the Sunweavers community, where the SL Newser has it's office.

As of the writing of this article, the Sunbeamers are twelfth (very close to eleventh) among the teams in terms of money raised, with six other Jade teams.  The three Emerald teams (over one million), are Roos With a Dream, Goreans in Relay for Life, and The River of Life. Third highest is Cure Chasers, which is at Ruby level. Second highest at Diamond is Relay Rockers. And the highest, also at Diamond, is Camping For a Cure. So far they've raised over 2,500,000 Linden dollars, or over $10,000 US dollars.
Go Sunbeamers! Go Relay!

Bixyl Shuftan

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