RELAY FOR LIFE OF SECOND LIFE 2010 Event Chair Tayzia Abattoir is challenging Second Life® residents to raise money on line for the American Cancer Society and to test their fundraising skills in a two-week Convio challenge to see who can raise the most!
The challenge itself runs from June 15 through June 30, but people can donate any time after that as well.
Tayzia explains: ‘Convio is a program where Second Life residents can have their Real Life family and friends donate on their behalf to Relay For Life of Second Life. They don’t even have to go into detail about their Second Life if they don’t want to!’
She continues: ‘Residents can simply send the following message: "Hi friends and family! I am participating in an online fundraiser to raise money for the American Cancer Society and trying to win a two-week challenge with around 2,000 other people to see who can raise the most! If you would like to donate on my behalf and help me win this challenge, please visit my personal Relay For Life website link at [insert your link here], and donate under my avatar/character name [insert avatar name] involved in this online fundraiser. This is a legitimate online Relay For Life fundraiser. If you would like to see our totals so far you can go to http://www.relayforlife.org/secondlife. Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. THERE ARE 21 COUNTRIES involved with Relay For Life, this is an INTERNATIONAL movement! The funds raised go to research, advocacy, patient services and programs. The challenge itself runs from June 15 through June 30, but you can go any time after that and donate as well!"’
There are an estimated 2,000 volunteers and team members involved in Relay For Life of Second Life. Team members will be participating in this challenge as well. But Tayzia emphasizes that it is open to everyone! The winner will receive a certificate during the RFL of SL Track Event on July 17-18. The overall goal of RFL of SL is to raise US$300,000.
Stingray9798 Raymaker, Online Content Manager for the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life who oversees their existence in Second Life, says: ‘Cancer touches everyone’s lives, regardless if you are a Relayer or not. We are calling out to all residents of Second Life to join the Relay Nation and help us to raise money to fund lifesaving research to find ways to fight back against a disease that takes so much.’
Residents and volunteers who are not a part of a RFL of SL team can join the challenge by signing up at http://www.relayforlife.org/secondlife. Click on the "FUNDRAISE WITH CONVIO" link at the very top of the page. Then click INDIVIDUAL SIGN UP and simply follow the quick and easy steps!
That’s all! You will get a link to your page so people can go donate! Remember to tell your family and friends, and get the word out through Facebook, Twitter, Avatars United, and blogs.
There will be a meeting on Saturday June 12 at 5pm SLT at the American Cancer Society in Second Life sim for people who have questions about how to sign up and how the challenge works. People who cannot make that meeting are invited to drop a notecard on Tayzia Abattoir with their questions.
Residents and volunteers who do not wish to join the challenge may donate at the American Cancer Society sim, http://slurl.com/secondlife/American%20Cancer%20Society/130/126/52.
Relay For Life® is the signature fundraiser of the American Cancer Society. Relay For Life of Second Life (RFL of SL) is an annual activity that takes place in Second Life® in July each year. Volunteers form or join teams to have fun while fundraising and raising awareness from mid-March through mid-July. In July teams build campsites and walk a track, just like in a real world Relay. The main RFL of SL track event this year will take place on July 17-18. In 2009, RFL of SL raised US$274,000 for the American Cancer Society. The funds raised go to research, advocacy, patient services and programs, with 12-15% going to international projects. Just as in the real world, RFL of SL is an international event. In 2009 participants from over 26 countries took part in RFL of SL.
Linden Lab® the creator of Second Life® is the premier sponsor of RFL of SL in 2010.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RelayForLife_SL
Avatars United: http://www.avatarsunited.com/groups/relay-for-life-of-second-life
Facebook: ‘Relay For Life of Second Life 2010’ on http://www.facebook.com and
RFL of SL Updates: http://rflofsl.blogspot.com/
For background information and the history of RFL of SL see:
SL Wiki: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Relay_For_Life_of_Second_Life and
Official RFL of SL website: http://www.relayforlife.org/secondlife

Poppy Zabelin (RFL of SL PR Chair poppy_zabelin@yahoo.co.uk) or Breezy Carver (RFL of SL PR Co-Chair seabreezegal@gmail.com).
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