It has been great fun being a greeter at the SL8B. People arrive at the Welcome Center and we say hello and give out some gifts. We recommend areas to visit and where to attend the parties going on at the moment. Roaming is wonderful too. We stop and visit exploring avatars and give them gifts too. The stages are good places to meet new friends and see some wonderful shows. I witnessed a wonderful musical performance the other day about Beethoven. Wow!
The other day I went to a live concert with a wonderful singer performing. There were some obnoxious griefers there annoying everyone. But the veteran performer advised everyone to just enjoy the music and ignore it, and on she went with her music. Amazing how some people come with the purpose of interfering rather than enjoying. So many people put so much time into the preparations for these events, scheduling, advertizing, advising, and being available to assist . Instead of entering into the joy of the moment certain visitors try to disrupt and destroy. It causes wonder as to their motive.
There are diverse activites going on everyday. Thursday morning I found a writing group working on poetry and quick words. The best thing I have done so far was to join the Yokohama Marching Band as we marched through the air over the sims! My first time!
There are only so many hours left to join in the festivities. I hope you will save some time to roam the 20 sims and see the magical sights and events. Get there!
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