It's time to return! Time to recall that this little slice of the virtual Black Rock Desert is our Home! Its our Playa! So come on back and we’ll occupy it for the weekend! Bring your friends, bring strangers, robots, petites, furries, mer, fae, role players, and everyone else! We are all friends that have been acquainted or just met!
Occuplaya is just one of many 10 Principles-precompresson events leading up to the big BURN2 event. Come get a taste of what Burning Man on the Playa is all about!
When: 4/27 - 4/29
Where: BURN2 Deep Hole
See amazing art from our invited artists:
Mikati Slade - Japan
Takni Miklos - Spain
Fuschia Nightfire - Canada
Town Hall Meetings:
Express yourself at BURN2 Townhalls 4/27 3:00 p.m. SLT and 4/28 9:00 a.m. SLT
Join us at the porta potty stage to hear DJ sets and live music
Come join us for a celebration of art, art cars, burning fun and frolic around the Maypole! Please note to frolic EARLY around the Maypole -- as it does look flammable!
For a complete schedule of activities and events, Please see our website at: http://www.burn2.org/occuplaya
BURN2 is an extension of the Burning Man festival and community into the world of Second Life. It is an officially sanctioned Burning Man regional event, and the only virtual world event out of more than 100 real world Regional groups.
The BURN2 Team operates events year around, culminating in an annual major festival of community, art and fire in the fall - a virtual echo of Burning Man itself.
We'd like to encourage you to use the following labels and hashtags when you write about the event: Burn2, #burn2 . We will promote those tags to make it easier for people to find your content.
Want more information? Check out these resources
Website: http://burn2.org
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/burn2/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/BURN_two
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/burn2/
Contact people:
Contact: Emcee Widget
Image Credit: Daniel Voyager
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