August 25, 2014, Seasons d’Alliez - The Relay Rockers presented the First Annual Alliez Mysterio Award as the team wrapped up their tenth Relay For Life of Second Life season with a party at Seasons dAlliez yesterday. This season saw the team set a Relay Rockers record for fundraising, and win several awards including the Returning Team Participation Award, voted by the coaches and fellow team captains.

2014 Relay Rockers Captain Ariel Stormcrow explained why the team created the award, citing Alliez’s pioneering efforts in the establishment of the estate system of Second Life, and her support of both Relay For Life and the Rocker’s team formed in 2005 by Trader Whiplash, Nuala Maracas and herself. “ Alliez saw the potential of the nascent private island sims and in 2005 her first sim, Rue d'Alliez opened. From that single island d'Alliez Estates spread over the grid, growing to more than 150 islands. She established a system of ownership and rentals that has provided a home to many residents of Second Life regardless of their virtual manifestations, lifestyles or interests.” said Ariel “From 2005 until breast cancer took her from us in 2013, Alliez was a steadfast supporter of both the Relay Rockers and Relay For Life of Second Life.”

The second award was presented to 2013-14 Event Chair Nikki Mathieson by Trader Whiplash. According to Trader, “Nikki Mathieson has graced Relay For Life with her steadfast determination, and her ability to find the right people for the right roles. She took the lessons learned from her predecessors and molded them into a vision of Relay that allows us all to Celebrate Remember and Fight Back as many teams walking together as one world”
Seasons dAlliez, the dAlliez Estates headquarters sim will host a permanent display honoring this year’s and future award winners. The award itself features a representation of the lighthouse which for many years served as the central focal point of Rue dAlliez, Alliez’s first island sim, which opened in January, 2005. (
The afternoon started with a performance by Gina Gracemount. Gina, a supporter of the team and a Bid Me Bald victimteer helped the Rockers this season by raising L$ 120,067, a Bid Me Bald record for Live Performers.

The evening concluded with a party hosted by the Rockers and featuring Trader and T1Radio’s Time Machine 60s rock show.
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