Friday, December 10, 2021

CDS Inagural Ball, With Incoming Chancellor, Tor Karlsvalt


On Saturday December 4, the Confederation of Democratic Simulators held their Inaugural Ball. The event was to honor the new Chancellor and Representative Assembly for their 36th term. The theme was "Cruising the Canal," and the ballroom had some sand brought in, as well as DJ Calli playing some beach music. The event went from 12 Noon to 2 PM.

 Tor Karlsvalt is the incoming Chancellor, replacing Kyoko Barzane (Samara Baranze). The members of the representative Assembly are Almut Brunswick, Rosie Gray, Han Held, Jerry McNally, and Cathy Sabre.

There was a little discussion of current events, such as a blizzard on the Hawaiian Islands, which got a few chuckles. There was a little mention of some of the CDS sims starting to get some snow on them.

Bixyl Shuftan

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