Dropping in using the landmark I was given, for the Phoenix Delectable sim, I appeared in a small gazebo. Stepping inside, I found Eve helping out someone, “... Oh and lemme give you a little sneak peek. The new group gift is coming out on Monday. But I'll give you a copy today. . The adirondack chair in red, white & blue. Thank you so much for being such a good customer!” “Thanks a bunch,” the other girl smiled, “I’m going to go set it out now.” “Thank you so much for being such a good customer! ... If you have any issues, just let me know!
Once her business with the customer was done, Eve turned to me, saying business was good, “It's picking up. She bough some custom furniture. ... liked her custom sofa. ... She's a good customer - bought out almost the whole downstairs!”

Eve showed me around a little. In the southwest corner of the store’s ground floor was the bedroom department, with a number of beds and other furniture of for sale. But what most people would see first would be the “Shabby Chic” section in the middle part of the store, with well-built items that were both fairly low on both prims and price. Upstairs were some accessories. There was also a “coming soon” display of what set Eve would soon have for sale.

Eve also offers plants and gardening items for sale. To the south of the store, down a path from the gazebo, is the greenhouse and garden center. For a few Lindens, one can get gardening tools, pots, and indivudual plants. You can also get herbal gardens or a while greenhouse for 200 Lindens.
To the west of the EK Furniture store is the Graphics by Eve Photography and Graphic Design Studio. Eve continues to run the studio, taking professionally done pictures. There are numerous displays of her work here, including a few partial nudes. Eve says one of her favorite subjects is Halloween, and plans on doing a number of shoots in October.
West of the studio and near the shore is the barn. Currently it is empty, but Eve plans to make good use of it in the future. For now, it serves as decoration for the area outside the store. Much of the sim has been set up not for shopping, but for a relaxed countrside look, with water lapping at the shoreline.
Eve Quintessa has a Flikr page up, with pictures of both her furniture plus examples of her studio shots. The store also has it’s own blog page, showing the latest goods for sale and the latest deals.
So for quality furniture, especially for the outdoors, and maybe a relaxing stroll in the fields once the shopping is over, stop by Eve Quintessa’s Everlasting Kiss Furniture store.
Everlasting Kiss Furniture Store is at Phoenix Delectable (179, 156, 27)
Bixyl Shuftan
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