1 hour ago
Monday, October 19, 2015
Press Release: Call For Merchants For The Fifth Annual SL Christmas Expo
Calling All Second Life Merchants.. The Fifth Annual SL Christmas Expo Is Waiting For You!
The Largest Holiday Shopping Event in Virtual Worlds Supports the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life of Second Life
The Relay For Life of Second Life would like invite you to become part of the 5th Annual SL Christmas Expo, December 3 - 14, 2015.
The Expo is a holiday tradition, the largest Holiday Shopping Event in virtual worlds and supports the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life of Second Life.
The theme for this year is " A Frozen Christmas". Our four regions will be transformed into a Winter Wonderland with stores and entertainment venues carved from ice. Snow crunching underfoot, Christmas Carols filling the air and Expo-goers wandering through the shops of Second Life's finest merchants. Add Gachas, auctions, raffles, hunts, ice skating, snowman building and Christmas Tree Shopping to the mix and you have the recipe for the perfect Holiday Shopping Setting! Oh and let's not forget Santa Claus! All that’s needed is YOU!
Merchants can choose from 5 different Shoppe Packages from 125m square (with 50 prims) to 1600m sq. and 700 prims. You can also select indoor or outdoor locations. Some sizes and locations are limited so act quickly.
I'm In! What's Required of Me?
The Christmas Expo Is a Fundraising Event and as such we do require all participants to support Relay For Life. You will be required to
• Pay A Registration Fee
• Create One (1) New and Exclusive item for 100% Donation to Relay For Life
• Use ONLY Relay For Life shared revenue vendors* (provided with your Welcome Kit)
You can mix the percentage donated from each item and can choose between 50%, 75% or 100% by selecting the preset value of each vendor and the item(s) for sale. NO OTHER VENDORS OR SALES WILL BE PERMITTED
• Make a donation to at least one Special Event, i.e.:
o Hunt For The Bells (Gift Item)
o Raffles or Silent Auctions ( Valuable Gifts or Gift Certificates)
o Christmas Tree Lot ( Limited Edition or Designer Christmas Tree)
o Holiday Of Hope Ball Door Prize Raffle (Gift Certificates strongly recommended)
o Gacha Gallery (Gift Item)
o Naughty or Nice (Novelty Gift)
• Read and Agree to Comply with All Expo and Relay For Life Guidelines https://slchristmasexpo.wordpress.com/guidelines-2/
Please visit Expo Shop Registration https://slchristmasexpo.wordpress.com/expo-shop-registration/ for more information and to register as an SL Christmas Expo Merchant
In addition to all our shops, venues and entertainment we've got Breedables too! This year Breedable Merchants will be integrated into our Expo shoppes and stores. As with all merchants Breedable Packages must use Relay For Life shared revenue vendors.
For Special Breedable guidelines please visit: https://slchristmasexpo.wordpress.com/guidelines-2/breedables-merchant-guidelines/
The Christmas Expo staff looks forward to seeing you this December, both old friends and new merchants. Christmas Expo provides you with the perfect holiday sales opportunity combined with the means to support the largest annual virtual fundraising event. Don't miss the chance to take part in a Second Life Tradition! Act quickly as space is limited.
Each person who shares the Relay For Life experience can take pride in knowing that they are working to create a world where the disease will no longer threaten our loved ones or rob anyone of another birthday. Thank you for sharing your skills, talent, creativity and just plain ol hard work with RFL of SL and jumping onboard this amazing, historical Fight Against Cancer!
For more information, contact Nula Maracas: nuala.maracas@gmail.com
Happy Holidays from the Christmas Expo Staff!
Christmas Expo,
Press Release,
Relay for Life,
Second Life,
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