On Monday January 8, Xavier Thiebaud, one of two co-founders of "The A List" group in Second Life had a sad announcement. His wife inworld, and fellow A List co-founder, Raftwet Jewell, was no longer alive.

I will be organizing a celebration of 2nd Life on what is her 10th Rez day this 3rd of February. Any of you who knew her, knew how supportive she was helping. if you wish to assist in anyway. Please drop me a note card. Further information will be given soon
Raftwet Jewell , February 3rd 2008 - 2018
Grease Coakes wrote about "The A List" in 2012. It bills itself as "Second Life's premiere destination guide on being the first to know what is happening," and is a group where events in General and Mature-rated areas can be announced. Events in Adult areas cannot be mentioned there, even if there will be nothing lewd going on.
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