This Saturday May 12th from noon-4 pm slt, The Road Rash Team will be holding a fun filled Short Bus Race

These aint no sissy buses, these little monsters are packed full of speed so bring a helmet and hangie on LOL. Of course there'll be obsticles to dodge that will slow ya down or the person behind you so buckle up... its going to be a riot. Page Up and Page Down shift your gears AND NO you will not die LOL
Each heat will last 5 Laps to complete with the top 3 overall times taking home awesome trophies created by Valen Serpente and other prizes. Top 1st place winner will also be taking home a TWISTed Screamer Hotrod made by TWISTMY Gears and NO you do not need to be present to win
We also have DJ Valen Serpente The Beast and DJ TWISTMY Gears to vibrate your eardrums as we rampage the course for a cure
PLEASE INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS, THIS IS ABOUT SERIOUS FUN FOR A VERY SERIOUS REASON. The more that join us the more fun we have and the more donations we gather to see an end to cancer. Its time this nasty ugly disease stops stealing our loved ones and causing unspeakable suffering to the ones that hold their beloveds as they slip away from us. LETS FIGHT UNITED TO SEE CANCER BECOME A EVIL WORD FROM THE PAST
Black Iron Rose (183, 116, 25)
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