Tuesday, May 10, 2022

RFL Announcement: $15,000 USD RFL Community Challenge

Hey all you wonderful Relayers!

We are challenging the community to come together as one team to raise 15K USD in 10 days!  The challenge will run from 12:01 AM May 10th through 11:59 PM on May 20th.


1. Participate by planning and executing an event.

2. Promote by listing your event on the official ACS Event Calendar. Strongly suggested is placing the event on the SL Events calendar, if you have hosting rights at your venue.

3. FUNdraise!  Show an increase in your teams fundraising total between the start date and close of the challenge.

The teams meeting this criteria, and advancing their total at least $50 USD will receive an incentive donation into their fundraising account.  Additionally, 5 teams meeting the above requirements will be drawn at random to receive an additional $100 USD added to their fundraising accounts, thanks to a sponsor who wishes to remain nameless.

Instead of approaching this challenge on a team by team basis, you are challenged to approach as a Team-munity, with everyone helping everyone raise as much as possible, the end goal is for RELAY to raise $15,000 TOGETHER!

If you have questions please contact Gem Sunkiller.


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