Sunnies: The Old Club Cutlass in now gone, the new one has been pretty much built and ready for inspection. Record the LM for the new Cutlass and come inspect it. Indio has done and incredible job!
When Rita transferred ownership of Sunweaver Air, now called the HV Community sim, one of the questions that came up was what would happen to it's popular Cutlass Club. Club owner Jenni Greenfield was inclined to keep it over Rita's land, and so it was decided to move it to Sunweaver Space. But it would be more than just moved, but rebuilt. A few residents thought it was time for a change from the "pyramid" look it had for the past few years. And so Indio Quinnell, with help from Shockwave Yareach, took on the job of constructing the new Cutlass.

With the new club in place, with a few last minute touches still yet to be made such as the DJ board, the Sunweaver residents online at the time threw an impromtu party at the newly rebuilt club (about a dozen more residents showed up after the picture at the top was taken), dancing to the tunes Indio had on.
The new location is now at Sunweaver Space (243, 87, 123)
Bixyl Shuftan
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